Pabob, Nema, Conner and Parker after our fishing expedition
saying "cheese," as were the other two.
Here are some pictures i just took a couple of hours ago... and one from when Neomia and Bob were here.
This morning at 6:30 am Nema and Pabob rolled out of the driveway.:( We sure did enjoy this visit with them. Probably the best ever. I don't know what made it so great, but it was. I especially got to spend a lot of time with them. What a blessing!
Darin took the boys and I out for donuts this morning, and we brought them to a park and ate them and then played there for awhile. Then we went to Conner's best friends house to pick him up and bring him home with us. His parents are on a little trip (yes, I am soooo jealous!).... Anyway, tonight Daniel is staying the night. The boys had great fun as you can see.
And, yes, if you are wondering those jammies Conner and Parker are wearing are much too warm, but Conner wanted to wear them, and what Conner wants Parker wants... So, yes, they are probably sweating like crazy in their rooms right now.
Anyway, Nema and Pabob left today, and then Daddy had to leave this afternoon.:( We are all alone+ Daniel! Darin is supposed to be gone for the whole week. But he said that there is a chance he'll be home tomorrow. That would sure be nice!
So, thats what we're up to... Just an update.
thanks so much for the update and new pictures!! i'm sorry everyone had to leave all at the same time. hopefully, darin will be able to come home before expected. sounds like mom and dad had a great time with you guys too. love and miss you all,
love the pics...parker looks a bit like pabob in that shot...cute... it will be interesting to see if they wake up in their underwears....funny guys...take care, aunt faith
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