Its been awhile since I've posted, because I have had a lot going on. I'm not going into it all... But life is just so busy and complicated lately. And... when I've had time to post I have no clue what to write about.
So... I guess this will just be a little update.
I started working. Just sometimes... I got a job with a catering company, so I just work when they call me (if I can). I've done two jobs so far, and I actually really like it! Its pretty fun, and one of my best friends works most of the jobs I do, so that it great!
Conner has had 4 or 5 t-ball games... Sadly I've lost track. Parker NEEDS to get into a sport. Unfortunately at this age only Soccer is available for him, and he doesn't seem to be real interested in that... But believe me- HE will be in blastball the minute they will take him. That kid wants to play soooo badly! I am the team mom this year for Conners team, and Parker helps me get the helmets on the kids... get them bats... get their gloves and hats when its time for them to get back in the field. He's just WAY to cute!
Parker has become quite the snuggler and kiss nazi! Everytime I ask him for a kiss he says "No!" But then if I make a sad face he smiles and gives me a kiss! Gosh, he's sooo cute!
Conner is talking so well lately. I don't know if its preschool or what, but he has really gotten a much clearer and expansive vocabulary. He says things that you would never expect him to say... and right at the moment I can't think of the story I was going to talk about.LOL
But here's another story (having nothing to do with his vocabulary). Today when we went to pick Conner up from school his teacher asked me "Could we clone this kid?!" I didn't really know what she was talking about at first although now it seems obvious. Then she said "he's just so sweet... I wish we had 13 of him!" Isn't that so great?! I love hearing that someone else loves and appreciates my precious little boy like I do! I mean honestly, he is sweet and very well behaved! I love that kid! He is such a joy to be around, and I am glad that other people feel that way too... All that being said, I'm sure they say that to all the parents, but I don't care... I am taking it as a personal compliment to Conner!
Darin has been home a lot lately making our family so much happier! Tonight he had a softball game, and it was early enough that we got to go with him. Conner and Parker both cheered for him for a little while, and then they just HAD to go to the park. It is too much of a temptation, that we can never watch the full game. Ohwell, they had lots of fun watching and then playing. I had lots of fun watching and then watching them play. We took a friends little baby girl with us tonight, and that was sooo much fun! She is such a precious little girl, and it is not everyday we get to have a little girl around! She's nine months old, and she just googoo gawgawed all night! I guess she has a double ear infection right now:( But you would NEVER no it. She didn't make a sad sound all night. So anyway, that was fun! When we had to take her home the boys said that they wanted to keep her. So cute!
So, thats pretty much all we are up to.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Parker's Birthday
Well, my little baby is two! I can't believe it. But he is still his sweet little self. Tonight he was just melting my heart. He didn't want to go to bed, so he kept sneaking out of his room and over to me, because he knew that I would love on him for a minute before putting him back in his bed. I know that only encourages the behavior, but honestly, how could anyone not love on that sweet little boy. He's just too precious!!!
He had lots of fun today, with all his friends over. He got tons of presents! So he definitely needed help opening them. He kept wanting to stop and play with the toys.:)
Conner had lots of fun today too. He got to drink soda for the first time. Orange soda! He LOVED it.... but it did what sugar does to little kids, and he was a little bit crazy the rest of the day... So, I think he'll have to hold off for awhile longer. Parker also tried the Orange Soda, but he didn't like it. He made a funny face, and said "Juice?" Like, what is this... can I please get some juice?
Anyway, it was a great day. Darin and I took the boys out for donuts this morning, and then Conner and Darin got haircuts and Parker and I did a little bit of shopping. We all came home ate lunch, napped and then Partayed! Here are a few pictures.
Can't sleep
Tomorrow, well today is Parkers 2nd Birthday. I can't believe he will be two in just about 2 and a half hours! I remember not being able to sleep this night two years ago too. Just waiting to wake up and go to the hospital and have him. At this time I think we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. This was one appointment I was not late for. I couldn't wait to meet the sweet little kicker I'd been feeling the past several months. Darin, Conner, Mike (my brother) and I all went to the hospital. Mike helped us out in the waiting room, by getting Conner ready to meet his new little brother while Darin and I greeted Parker Blaine Wilson into the world. What a precious little boy. I never knew that I could love anyone as much as I loved Darin... Then Conner came along and I for sure thought I couldn't love anyone else as much, and then Parker came, and I am just amazed at the love my heart feels. Sometimes it feels like it will burst, if they do anything sweet!LOL Parker was 19 1/2 inches long, and 8.1 pounds. I wish I had his exact size now (his two year checkup is Monday), but he's somewhere around 30 pounds now, and I am not sure how tall... Wow, sometimes I think about how little he was and how he used to be able to fit in my belly. Now I can sometimes hardly carry him.
Parker is such a blessing to our family. He makes us laugh ALL the time. He gives very sweet hugs and kisses, and he loves to snuggle. At bedtime and naptime he is always asking us to galk (talk) and he wants to pray. Which he tells us by folding his hands and yelling our names.:) Right now Parker calls me "Mama" and Darin "Dada" and Conner "Cacur" and Pixie "Pittee." He hasn't started calling Harley anything yet... unless he thinks her name is "NO!" Maybe because that is what we are constantly telling her lately:) He tells her that all the time.
Today we are having a birthday party for Parker. A baseball party. He loves baseball. Actually, he loves blastball! He thinks that is what baseball is too. I guess what he really loves is his big brother, who played blastball (he's since upgraded to t-ball). Parker wants to play soooo badly, but he's too young. So this year, he gets to be the t-ball Dodgers batboy! He is really excited! Everytime you say "batboy" he says "MEEE."
Anyway, today we celebrate one of God's special gifts to us... Parker Blaine.
Pictures to come after the party.
Parker is such a blessing to our family. He makes us laugh ALL the time. He gives very sweet hugs and kisses, and he loves to snuggle. At bedtime and naptime he is always asking us to galk (talk) and he wants to pray. Which he tells us by folding his hands and yelling our names.:) Right now Parker calls me "Mama" and Darin "Dada" and Conner "Cacur" and Pixie "Pittee." He hasn't started calling Harley anything yet... unless he thinks her name is "NO!" Maybe because that is what we are constantly telling her lately:) He tells her that all the time.
Today we are having a birthday party for Parker. A baseball party. He loves baseball. Actually, he loves blastball! He thinks that is what baseball is too. I guess what he really loves is his big brother, who played blastball (he's since upgraded to t-ball). Parker wants to play soooo badly, but he's too young. So this year, he gets to be the t-ball Dodgers batboy! He is really excited! Everytime you say "batboy" he says "MEEE."
Anyway, today we celebrate one of God's special gifts to us... Parker Blaine.
Pictures to come after the party.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Some pictures of the newest addition to our family... and our trip to Oklahoma

Monday, September 8, 2008
funny stuff
This weekend we went to Oklahoma to see an aunt and uncle and some cousins of mine. We had lots of fun.
The boys got to go fishing and help feed the cows and ride in the tractor, and jump on the trampoline with their cousins. When it got dark they got to catch fireflies. We brought them home with us hoping to inhabit Texas with fireflies. They lived, but I guess they flew back to Oklahoma, because I haven't seen any in the dark out here yet. Also, Uncle Willard took them to the gas station and let them pick out whatever they wanted! They both picked the same thing!LOL Candy sharks, with a juicy center!:) Conner kept saying "MMmmm, juicy center!"
We also went to the farmers home depot. Thats not what its called, but that was basically what it was. And, they had fresh popped pop corn there. Anyway, we got some and Conner told asked me if we were at the movies.LOL... I guess that is the only time he eats popcorn. I said no, and he said that he was going to pretend he was watching a movie. I asked him what movie he was watching and he said "The Dark Knight." I honestly don't even know how he knew the name of the movie, but whatever. Then later he said "Mommy I am watching a different movie now. Its 'The Dark Knight in The Daytime.'" LOL
So... the night before last they had to sleep in their diapers (pull-up for Conner) because they had made all their clothes FILTHY. Anyway, in his diaper Parker ate breakfast yesterday morning. Parker has always been pretty, shall I say... husky. Well, yesterday while he was eating breakfast he looked really skinny. So I said, "Gosh Parker, you look really skinny today!" And he looked at me, over his shoulder and sweetly smiled and said, "thank you." LOL! I wish you could see how he did it. It was the funniest thing ever! I have honestly been laughing ever since. I don't know if I should just think this is funny or be worried about him! Is my almost 2 year old weight conscience?!LOL
What funny kids.
We had a great weekend. We're home now and Darin left last night, but he is coming home early tomorrow morning.
Conner is back to school tomorrow.
The boys got to go fishing and help feed the cows and ride in the tractor, and jump on the trampoline with their cousins. When it got dark they got to catch fireflies. We brought them home with us hoping to inhabit Texas with fireflies. They lived, but I guess they flew back to Oklahoma, because I haven't seen any in the dark out here yet. Also, Uncle Willard took them to the gas station and let them pick out whatever they wanted! They both picked the same thing!LOL Candy sharks, with a juicy center!:) Conner kept saying "MMmmm, juicy center!"
We also went to the farmers home depot. Thats not what its called, but that was basically what it was. And, they had fresh popped pop corn there. Anyway, we got some and Conner told asked me if we were at the movies.LOL... I guess that is the only time he eats popcorn. I said no, and he said that he was going to pretend he was watching a movie. I asked him what movie he was watching and he said "The Dark Knight." I honestly don't even know how he knew the name of the movie, but whatever. Then later he said "Mommy I am watching a different movie now. Its 'The Dark Knight in The Daytime.'" LOL
So... the night before last they had to sleep in their diapers (pull-up for Conner) because they had made all their clothes FILTHY. Anyway, in his diaper Parker ate breakfast yesterday morning. Parker has always been pretty, shall I say... husky. Well, yesterday while he was eating breakfast he looked really skinny. So I said, "Gosh Parker, you look really skinny today!" And he looked at me, over his shoulder and sweetly smiled and said, "thank you." LOL! I wish you could see how he did it. It was the funniest thing ever! I have honestly been laughing ever since. I don't know if I should just think this is funny or be worried about him! Is my almost 2 year old weight conscience?!LOL
What funny kids.
We had a great weekend. We're home now and Darin left last night, but he is coming home early tomorrow morning.
Conner is back to school tomorrow.
Friday, September 5, 2008
First day of school... A little late

I can't believe his is in school!

Tuesday was Conner's first day of school! He loves it. He was happy to go in and have a seat and play with playdough. He was so big. I haven't written in the blog about it because i don't even really know what to say about the whole experience. I still don't really, but its been 4 days... so I feel like i should blog it:)
When we dropped him off (we were fortunate, because Darin got to be here for that) we were all fine. Well, Parker was a little confused and sad, but overall no one cried, and it kind of just seemed like we were dropping him off for school as if we had been doing it for years before that.
About 20 minutes later, on the way home it hit me. I was wondering what he was doing, and then I was thinking, what if someone is being mean to him? I said that to Darin, and he was like "Donna, people are going to be mean to him." I know that... I just can't bear that thought of it. He is a very sensitive little guy, and he is soooo sweet, he is not mean to other people. I just can't imagine him getting picked on. I know I sound like a typical mom who thinks her child is perfect... But seriously, he is very sweet and sharing, and aware of other peoples feelings. That is not to say he is ALWAYS sweet to his brother, but that is different from the outside world.:)
Anyway, that is when I started to cry a little bit. Just knowing that he is growing up. That he is going to depend on more people than Darin and I. And to think that those people might let him down sometimes and his heart may be broken (not that Darin and I never let him down). You just want to protect your child from all pain... Unfortunatly I know it is neccessary for his growth.
Conner is very lucky though, because our old neighbor's daughter Ella is in his class this year, and that has made it an even easier place to go. He really likes his "girlfriend." It was so cute, after school his first day I asked him if he made new friends, and he said "no, I just have one." I asked him who it was and he said "Ella." And I said oh, did you talk to anyone else? And he said "no, but I talked to Ella." I was just wondering what they talked about... and I told Ella's mom that Conner said they "talked," and she said, "thats so funny, because Ella came home and said they "talked" too. A three year old conversation.... It had to be cute. I would have loved to just sit in his class as a fly on the wall. I assume I will feel this way all throughout his life. It would be fun to see how he interacts with everyone, and how people interact with him.
Conner is very lucky though, because our old neighbor's daughter Ella is in his class this year, and that has made it an even easier place to go. He really likes his "girlfriend." It was so cute, after school his first day I asked him if he made new friends, and he said "no, I just have one." I asked him who it was and he said "Ella." And I said oh, did you talk to anyone else? And he said "no, but I talked to Ella." I was just wondering what they talked about... and I told Ella's mom that Conner said they "talked," and she said, "thats so funny, because Ella came home and said they "talked" too. A three year old conversation.... It had to be cute. I would have loved to just sit in his class as a fly on the wall. I assume I will feel this way all throughout his life. It would be fun to see how he interacts with everyone, and how people interact with him.
Now, about Parker. This boy does not understand why Conner has to go to school. When he gets in his carseat after dropping Conner off all he does is point to Conners seat and say "Concur, Concur, Concur." That is what he calls Conner. Its really sad. But then we get to spend some special one on one time, and I think he kind of likes that. Although so far we haven't really known what to do without Conner here. It doesn't exactly come naturally. We'll get used to it though.
Also, last Thursday Conner's tee-ball started. Last season he played blastball, but now he has promoted to 4u tee-ball. There are a lot more kids on his team than before, and it seems like a lot more want to be involved than last year. So this is exciting... and after the first day of practice a lot of the parents went out for pizza, so that was really fun, getting to know more parents and kids! This year I am the team mom. It will be a real task at games, because Parker was a real handful at games last year. He wants to play so bad, that everytime I would take my eye off of him for a second, he was running from me trying to sneak onto a field! Luckily I caught him each time before actually getting out there. So, this year, he is going to be the batboy. He is really excited about this, and calls himself "baboy." SOOOO CUTE! I can't wait to see how the first game pans out... even though I am a bit nervous!
Tonight we are going to Tulsa to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins. I'm real excited! We are only staying until Sunday morning, but it should be lots of fun! It will be nice to have a little get away!
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