I can't believe his is in school!

Tuesday was Conner's first day of school! He loves it. He was happy to go in and have a seat and play with playdough. He was so big. I haven't written in the blog about it because i don't even really know what to say about the whole experience. I still don't really, but its been 4 days... so I feel like i should blog it:)
When we dropped him off (we were fortunate, because Darin got to be here for that) we were all fine. Well, Parker was a little confused and sad, but overall no one cried, and it kind of just seemed like we were dropping him off for school as if we had been doing it for years before that.
About 20 minutes later, on the way home it hit me. I was wondering what he was doing, and then I was thinking, what if someone is being mean to him? I said that to Darin, and he was like "Donna, people are going to be mean to him." I know that... I just can't bear that thought of it. He is a very sensitive little guy, and he is soooo sweet, he is not mean to other people. I just can't imagine him getting picked on. I know I sound like a typical mom who thinks her child is perfect... But seriously, he is very sweet and sharing, and aware of other peoples feelings. That is not to say he is ALWAYS sweet to his brother, but that is different from the outside world.:)
Anyway, that is when I started to cry a little bit. Just knowing that he is growing up. That he is going to depend on more people than Darin and I. And to think that those people might let him down sometimes and his heart may be broken (not that Darin and I never let him down). You just want to protect your child from all pain... Unfortunatly I know it is neccessary for his growth.
Conner is very lucky though, because our old neighbor's daughter Ella is in his class this year, and that has made it an even easier place to go. He really likes his "girlfriend." It was so cute, after school his first day I asked him if he made new friends, and he said "no, I just have one." I asked him who it was and he said "Ella." And I said oh, did you talk to anyone else? And he said "no, but I talked to Ella." I was just wondering what they talked about... and I told Ella's mom that Conner said they "talked," and she said, "thats so funny, because Ella came home and said they "talked" too. A three year old conversation.... It had to be cute. I would have loved to just sit in his class as a fly on the wall. I assume I will feel this way all throughout his life. It would be fun to see how he interacts with everyone, and how people interact with him.
Conner is very lucky though, because our old neighbor's daughter Ella is in his class this year, and that has made it an even easier place to go. He really likes his "girlfriend." It was so cute, after school his first day I asked him if he made new friends, and he said "no, I just have one." I asked him who it was and he said "Ella." And I said oh, did you talk to anyone else? And he said "no, but I talked to Ella." I was just wondering what they talked about... and I told Ella's mom that Conner said they "talked," and she said, "thats so funny, because Ella came home and said they "talked" too. A three year old conversation.... It had to be cute. I would have loved to just sit in his class as a fly on the wall. I assume I will feel this way all throughout his life. It would be fun to see how he interacts with everyone, and how people interact with him.
Now, about Parker. This boy does not understand why Conner has to go to school. When he gets in his carseat after dropping Conner off all he does is point to Conners seat and say "Concur, Concur, Concur." That is what he calls Conner. Its really sad. But then we get to spend some special one on one time, and I think he kind of likes that. Although so far we haven't really known what to do without Conner here. It doesn't exactly come naturally. We'll get used to it though.
Also, last Thursday Conner's tee-ball started. Last season he played blastball, but now he has promoted to 4u tee-ball. There are a lot more kids on his team than before, and it seems like a lot more want to be involved than last year. So this is exciting... and after the first day of practice a lot of the parents went out for pizza, so that was really fun, getting to know more parents and kids! This year I am the team mom. It will be a real task at games, because Parker was a real handful at games last year. He wants to play so bad, that everytime I would take my eye off of him for a second, he was running from me trying to sneak onto a field! Luckily I caught him each time before actually getting out there. So, this year, he is going to be the batboy. He is really excited about this, and calls himself "baboy." SOOOO CUTE! I can't wait to see how the first game pans out... even though I am a bit nervous!
Tonight we are going to Tulsa to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins. I'm real excited! We are only staying until Sunday morning, but it should be lots of fun! It will be nice to have a little get away!
yes, i remember getting teary eyed when dawn and especially darin when to school....it is scary to know that other people will have some "influence" in your children. we can't be with them every minute and control what goes on. that is when we "exercise" our knees in prayer for them. i will add conner's school time to my prayer time, knowing that the Lord will be "watching" over him. oh, my, conner's first steps to "indepence"!!! it came too fast...I SOO understand your feeling!!! they grow up WAY TOO FAST!!! enjoy the with parker!! it will be different...lovea ya,
opps, should be
"enjoy the time with parker"!!
hi donna, i am back from mammoth...SO SORRY I HAVEN"T POSTED....we got back last night, so then I had nursery duty this morning with Sharyn, and then church and then had to drive to Burbank to meet friends for a spa day she paid for (my friend that owns the spa out here)had a massage and herbal foot treatment...it was WONDERFUL!!!Drank coconut milk right out of the coconut with a straw, very interesting day. So i will post soon.
I can't even believe Conner is in school...but hey, when the other kids are mean, as some surely will be, just know that the sweetness of your son might just rub off on them as he is an example to them...teach him the right things to say when they aren't nice and he won't be caught off guard. He will just repeat what you tell him to...ya know like "You do that one more time and I will knock your block off" Just kidding....you guys will do just fine...and cherish these times as he grows up cause at least YOU are still driving him there...driving to me was the WORST thing...cause of all the wackos on the road...anyways...he will be fine, he's going to be great!!! How could he not be, he's got you and Darin for parents....love you all, and love that hair!!!
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