I love this time of year. I especially loved today! I got to snuggle with Parker for the last hour of sleep this morning, and we both slept until 8:30. That was wonderful. He is such a good snuggler. Seriously. Thank God for that sweet boy.
Speaking of sweet boys that I thank God for... when we picked Conner up from school his bag was sitting out in the hall (thats what the teachers do with the bags for when they get out of class) and by it was a christmas gift bag. I said "Conner look you got a present from one of your classmates." And he said "Mommy you can't open it until Christmas." So apparently the present was for Daddy and I. His teacher heard him say that, and she was so impressed, because she said that all the other kids either wanted to open it themselves, or they told their parents right away to open it. Well... about 2 minutes into the car ride home this is what I am handed....

and then...

(if you can't tell this is a very abstract baby jesus in swaddling cloth- I assume it is very obvious since it was obvious to me... but who knows)...
Anyway, Conner was obviously just showing his teacher that he was listening when they told him to wait until Christmas for us to open our gifts, but he had no intention of actually waiting. Which is fine with me, because the first thing I did when we got home was to put each one on our Christmas tree! What a special gift. Maybe the best ever! Yeah, I think it was the best gift ever.
So... then we went and got some lunch and off to the post office to mail out packages... WHAT A RELIEF! I hate having that looming over my head, so getting that done made the day that much better! Came home, played for a little while, finished making Christmas cookies that we started yesterday, boys took a nap (all three of them) and I cleaned (another one of those things that has been looming over my head-yay)! And then when Conner woke up we played a game that he got for his birthday and for some reason we hadn't played it yet. But it was so fun!
Then this evening we ate dinner, delivered all our christmas cookies we made for the neighbors, and came home. Parker had hot chocolate and Conner had "nog." Then I got some snuggle time with Conner on the couch in front of the Christmas tree. That snuggly is so sweet, because it doesn't happen very often. At one point I started to get up to do something and he said "Mommy, why are you getting up for?" I immediatly sat back down. I didn't have anything that I would rather do. I just didn't realize it.
Anyway, then the boys went to bed and I did some more cleaning and watched a movie... Oh and Darin left during bedtime to go to New York... Luckily he won't be gone to long.
Anyway, I am sure tomorrow will be filled with even more cleaning and some organizing, and definitly more cookie making, because Conner's class Christmas party is Thursday, and I am organizing it. The kids will be decorating Christmas cookies, so we will have to make the cookies and icing tomorrow! That will be fun, since my boys LOVE baking. Especially the little one!
So... this is the end to my EXTREMELY long post...
I have some more pictures I'd like to post. I will try to do it soon, things have just been extremely busy around this house lately.
what a sweet post!! you do have two very special little boys!!! can't wait to see them saturday!
geez, donna. thanks for ruining the surprise on the gifts.
totally kidding! i peeked at them last night...isn't that awful? lily doesn't know though.
aren't they the cutest handmade little treasures!?!
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