Monday, March 2, 2009

Nap time

For the last two months or so I have been sleeping at every naptime, or really every time I get. Even going to sleep when the boys go to sleep at night... That is why it is pretty hard for me to keep up with my blog. But today the boys are asleep... my house is messy (another consequence of my sleep requirements lately) but I am updating the blog.
Darin has been in school the last 4 days. Here in Dallas, which is really nice, because he's been home at night. He's supposed to fly out tomorrow or Wednesday morning to go to Santa Barbara. That should be fun... for him!:)
The boys are doing well. Although I did have to take Parker to the doctor this morning. He has a "sinus infection." The doctor also said he thinks he has athsma, but is not ready to commit to that diagnosis. So we will start antibiotics today and hopefully he will feel better soon... although I have to say that he doesn't seem to be feeling bad lately. He just has this cough that keeps him up if we don't medicate him. Which is why I took him to the doctor. I hate giving him medicine every night just for him to get to sleep. But, the doctor said that the cough syrup I am giving him is just fine to use over a period of time... So we will continue to use it. And hopefully it won't be athsma.
After the doctors office I surprised the boys with a visit to a park that we see EVERY time we go to the doctors, but have never gone to. The park right next to the Grapevine botanical gardens (which I always thought looked pretty lame from the road-but actually turned out to be really pretty with a lot of great photo ops-to bad I am not good enough to figure out how to transfer the pictures from my phone to the computer)... The park was so much fun I think we were there for over an hour! Then Darin met us there after school, and played for a bit. We had a great time! And afterward Daddy took them home, and I got to go grocery shopping... by myself!
Speaking of the grocery shopping...just a quick question... Does anyone know if there is a curry spice that is yellow? Can you buy it in the spice isle? I couldn't find it in our WalMart, but I also know that the Super Walmart- no matter how super often fails to provide all the items a normal grocery store offers.
I don't know if I've posted anything about Conner and Parkers crazy and life changing sleep habits (I mean life changing for Darin and I). But both of these boys have issues with sleeping. Conner's I can totally trace back to my mistakes with him as an, letting him sleep in the bed with us until he was one... never putting him in his crib for a nap, instead letting him sleep on me (Darin was totally guilty of this too) for the duration of his nap. But we made a lot better choices with Parker... and after he turned one... sometime after... but definitly before he turned two we changed our poor habits with Conner. Anyway, the point is, these kids do not sleep well. The hardly ever were sleeping through the night... Ending up in our bed halfway through the night. So finally I asked for some advice (and I had been given this advice before and ignored it... now I know why-sorry Wanda)... the conclusion "put sleeping bags down in your room... if they get up they have to sleep in the sleeping bags... not in your bed." Sounds great until every single night you are fighting one or both of your children at 2 o'clock in the morning, over which sleeping bag they are sleeping in (they always both wanted the same one-right next to Mommy's side of the bed). Or fighting them to sleep in a sleeping bag at all... then waking up with them cold, or crying because they rolled under the bed and then bumped their head. Anyway, this became an every night event also. They would go to sleep in their bed and EVERY single morning we would all wake up in our room. Still.
So, I put up the sleeping bags and told them to stay in their beds or their doors would be shut and if needed they would get spankings. This was about two weeks (maybe a little more) ago... and they are still sleeping (for the most part) in their beds... without getting up. This is not a new method that I am saying will work for anyone, and I have never tried it before. In fact... I am a little leary about how long it will last, because I have done this, and countless other things many times in the past and nothing has worked... So whatever is different this time... Yay! Getting a good nights sleep is also life changing!
WOW, that was a long post about something that may seem trivial... but trust me it isn't!


Colored With Memories said...

so sorry about the sleep issues...hopefully this will be the trick that works for you guys!

we have been to that park a few is a good one.

to get the pics off your phone, e-mail them to yourself and then save them from there...just a tip from a mommy who always forgets her camera!

Wanda said...

thanks for the laugh!! as always, raising kids is a challenge!! that's why it should be called "training your kids" instead of "raising your kids"!! sorry the sleeping bag trick didn't work for that long for you. trial and error...changing the way you do things will always be the challenge!! but you'll find what works for you...glad you are getting some good sleeping nights in right now and hope it continues for least until number 3 gets here...; - )
love ya and thanks for the updates...

faithful love said...

Donna, the sleep issues are the same in my opinion for all and adults...we wake up because some where along the line, we "changed" our sleep patterns, and can't get them back to becomes a habit...but when we can finally start sleeping through again (some times out of exhaustion)the patterns return...for the boys too, once their bodies start sleeping through without waking, it will stick, unless they are sick or in pain....I didn't set up a sleeping bag for mine, I told them, if you need to come into our room ONE:do not wake me TWO: bring your blanket and wrap up in it...well, that lasted a few nights and they stopped all together...Julia would just stand and look at me sleeping and it would wake me...but I found without conversation, and just laying back down, the sleep overtook them faster and all was good again...good my dear mother in law used to say to me "they won't take their bottle to kindergarten" and they won't need diapers forever, so to you...they won't be sleeping in your room by the time they are in junior high, cause they will be mortified if their friends found out!!! JK....hang in there, stay firm and it will correct itself...take care,af