Even with Parker's black eye... He is still a cute little guy! Here are some pictures of the result of his fight with "Miss Jenn's" stairs. He'll tell you he fell... "right by the wood." It actually wasn't right "by" the wood... It was right straight on the wood. And today is Tuesday (I took these pictures today) and this happened on Friday night. So it obviously looks better than it has the past few days. It was heart breaking, because Parker doesn't cry the "I'm really hurt" cry very often, and it surely was that:(.
I told him to close his eyes, so we could see it better.LOL
These two sillies decided that they didn't need to take a nap today. It never happens that they keep each other awake. So we finally said fine, and that they could just go play in Conners bedroom. They did.... And after about 20 minutes of quiet I decided to go check on them. This is what I found. Both of them in the corner behind the chair in Conner's room playing with cars. It was precious. I said "Aww, are you guys having fun?" Parker said "Ess!" And Conner said... "Yes Mommy, and see now I don't need you and Daddy to play with me anymore because I like to play with Parker now!" LOL. Sadly they already don't need us anymore:(
Anyway, I hope any readers can appreciate Gods gift just half as much as I do! LOVE THESE TWO BOYS and can't wait to meet their little sister!
1 comment:
They are SO cute! Love them! That eye looks painful - glad he's smiling though! :)
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