I have finally uploaded the pictures on my digital camera. Here are some of our recent goings
ons. We are enjoying this summer waiting anxiously for our little sister to come along. Conner asks me regularly if "baby Brooke is coming today."
Darin's been flying a lot lately, but for the moment he is home (even if he is out playing basketball right now... Hopefully not hurting his ankle again!!!). He leaves tomorrow night and comes home Monday for two weeks... We are hoping to drive up to Wisconsin and visit family during those two weeks! Can't wait!
grandparents are here in Texas and visit every weekend which has been fun. It is really nice to have them around.
So far I am scheduled for my c-section on August 14
th at 8am. Very exciting!
thats about all I have to say besides my captions for the pictures that follow. Hope you enjoy them!

Kids seriously don't get much cuter than this guy right here!

Four (one is hiding in Mama's belly, but I am just sure she was hot too) hot
Wilsons at the zoo on a 105 degree day. Crazy I know, but we made it through, and still had LOTS of fun!

Parker was hiding... This is the box that my sewing machine came in... don't know how, but these boys both fit in it and LOVE playing in it. Too cute!

This is "Harley's" couch. Her and the boys pull all the cushions off of it and she lays on it and they jump on it. This is one of those battles I tried to fight for awhile, and now I am succumbed to the fact that there are going to be cushions on this floor (
unfortunately it is the first room you come to when you walk through my front door)... and there will either be little boys jumping on it or a dog or two laying on it.
Ohwell. This battle was never going to be won by me... I should have given up a lot sooner than I did!

Two VERY HOT little boys riding the train back to the
begining of the zoo. Usually we walk back, but since it was
SOOOO stinking hot we bit the bullet and paid the $4 it cost to ride the train back... After waiting in the heat the 15 minutes it took for us to catch the next running train I don't really know that it was worth it, but by the time I realized the situation, the boys had their hearts set on riding the train. So, whatever. It was fun!
Eatin donuts and playing at a park one miserably hot Texas morn. Are you seeing anything that is
consistent with the Texas weather in the summer?

Practicing shooting the
air soft gun with Daddy... In case their is a snake around when Daddy's out of town.

Both need to be skilled and ready!

marshmallows and eating
smores is one of our favorite evening activities! It will be more fun when it isn't BLAZING hot outside with the little campfire melting us even more!
I forgot the camera when we went on our little trip... but here is an exact replica of the dinosaur park that we went to near
LOL We went away for a couple of days a few weeks ago just for some family time. The boys loved the dinosaur park so much that when we came home this was the first thing they did... Those little things are dinosaurs. I couldn't believe this. Maybe we'll have to go back to that place again sometime.
*sidenote* As they were building this the tv was on we were back and forth to the window as we were waiting to see if we were going to be blown away in a tornado as we were under a watch. We ended up not being effected (although our trash cans tipped over (and blew trash all over the yard-Eww).... but there was at least one tornado that went through Flower Mound through a friend of ours' neighborhood. Scary.

This is why the boys needed that shooting practice you saw in the above picture... Yes this is another snake we found in our backyard. A "blotched water snake" I learned from sending a picture to one of the guys at the Double Oak animal control place. Very helpful guy, probably thought I was a moron, but

The boys having a slumber party in the
livingroom. I made them a little tent out of a blanket and some chairs and they got to watch a movie and sleep in the living room. They had a great time... In fact this was about a month ago and they've done it again since then!
Thanks for updating! Sounds like you guys have been busy and HOT! :) Love all the pictures of my two adorable nephews! Also love that Conner's hair is curly again. :) Tell them Hi from Auntie Dawn and that I love them and miss them!
August 14th...Jason & Rob's birthday, what a great day! Looks like you guys and enjoying your summer. Sure do love you all and miss you much!
LOVE ya!
loving the sumber party!! NOT loving the snake!!!
miss you and looking forward to september!!!
aw, they're adorable!
and baby brooke will share rob & jay's bday...how exciting!
miss you!
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