Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Conner...

He was SOOO tired after his LONG birthday!
Happy 5th Birthday Conner. You mean more to me than I can ever express. You are such a sweet boy. Always thinking of how to make others feel better. You are so helpful with or without being asked. Your heart is so sweet that it makes me melt. I love you so much and am VERY proud of you. You are such a special son and a special brother. Our family is so blessed to have you be part of it!

Thank you God for SWEET Conner!
I enjoyed sitting with Conner on his bed while he fell asleep tonight. I held Brooke and watched Conner doze off. It was so surreal. Thinking that it has been 5 years since I got to hold him like that and rock him to sleep. Watching him and holding her it was neat to go back to that time when he was little. He is still just as precious as he was as a baby. I am so very blessed with these three children and there awesome daddy. Thanking God daily for such a life as this!


Wanda said...

we are so sorry we didn't call him eariler in the day. i kept thinking daryl would want to call with me and then i got home late from the gym and we left right away for dinner. guess we should have just called him on our own. he looks so tired!! hope he had a good day. we'll try to call tomorrow and hear all about it!!
Yes, he is so precious and we can't believe he is 5 already!! time moves too fast. what a contrast to be able to hold brooke and think that 5 years ago, you were holding conner as a little baby. a lot has happened in his short 5 years. a brother and sister were added to the family. a new home, 2 new dogs, starting pre-school, making friends...and his life has really just glad you are his mom!! love you and glad you enjoy preicous time with your little ones...hug conner and parker and little brooke for us...

Unknown said...

your conner? i thought he was lily's conner! ;)

thanks for letting our girls share in his birthday!
