And a Merry Christmas it is here in the Wilson home! We are having a great Christmas!
... and a side note, Conner and Parker are expecting a little baby brother or sister!
Pictures of our Christmas to come.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas time...

I love this time of year. I especially loved today! I got to snuggle with Parker for the last hour of sleep this morning, and we both slept until 8:30. That was wonderful. He is such a good snuggler. Seriously. Thank God for that sweet boy.
Speaking of sweet boys that I thank God for... when we picked Conner up from school his bag was sitting out in the hall (thats what the teachers do with the bags for when they get out of class) and by it was a christmas gift bag. I said "Conner look you got a present from one of your classmates." And he said "Mommy you can't open it until Christmas." So apparently the present was for Daddy and I. His teacher heard him say that, and she was so impressed, because she said that all the other kids either wanted to open it themselves, or they told their parents right away to open it. Well... about 2 minutes into the car ride home this is what I am handed....

and then...

(if you can't tell this is a very abstract baby jesus in swaddling cloth- I assume it is very obvious since it was obvious to me... but who knows)...
Anyway, Conner was obviously just showing his teacher that he was listening when they told him to wait until Christmas for us to open our gifts, but he had no intention of actually waiting. Which is fine with me, because the first thing I did when we got home was to put each one on our Christmas tree! What a special gift. Maybe the best ever! Yeah, I think it was the best gift ever.
So... then we went and got some lunch and off to the post office to mail out packages... WHAT A RELIEF! I hate having that looming over my head, so getting that done made the day that much better! Came home, played for a little while, finished making Christmas cookies that we started yesterday, boys took a nap (all three of them) and I cleaned (another one of those things that has been looming over my head-yay)! And then when Conner woke up we played a game that he got for his birthday and for some reason we hadn't played it yet. But it was so fun!
Then this evening we ate dinner, delivered all our christmas cookies we made for the neighbors, and came home. Parker had hot chocolate and Conner had "nog." Then I got some snuggle time with Conner on the couch in front of the Christmas tree. That snuggly is so sweet, because it doesn't happen very often. At one point I started to get up to do something and he said "Mommy, why are you getting up for?" I immediatly sat back down. I didn't have anything that I would rather do. I just didn't realize it.
Anyway, then the boys went to bed and I did some more cleaning and watched a movie... Oh and Darin left during bedtime to go to New York... Luckily he won't be gone to long.
Anyway, I am sure tomorrow will be filled with even more cleaning and some organizing, and definitly more cookie making, because Conner's class Christmas party is Thursday, and I am organizing it. The kids will be decorating Christmas cookies, so we will have to make the cookies and icing tomorrow! That will be fun, since my boys LOVE baking. Especially the little one!
So... this is the end to my EXTREMELY long post...
I have some more pictures I'd like to post. I will try to do it soon, things have just been extremely busy around this house lately.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving with NeMa and PopBob. The turkey is in the oven and man am I missing my double oven that I had for less than a year.:( I was soooo happy to get it, and it was so nice, and then we moved, and now I want it back sooo badly! Maybe my dear husband will buy me one for Christmas this year although if he does I might feel a little jipped because that was my Christmas present last year.LOL
Ok, it is Thanksgiving so I would like to just put a few things in here that we are thankful for.
First and foremost we are so incredibly thankful for the gift of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice for us is so great that I will forever be joyful the opportunity to spend my eternity with my Savior!
Secondly I am so grateful for my sweet family. I could have never asked for a better husband or children. Its funny, because I wished so much that Parker was a girl when I was pregnant with him, and now I am so so so happy he is the boy that he is! What precious boys I get the opportunity to raise. My biggest prayer though is that they are both destined to know our Lord and Savior. I hope that they will know him greatly and deeply, for the majority of their lives.
I am thankful for our church that we feel growth almost daily by being a part of it. Our pastor has a true gift from God of speaking truth to us, apologetically in a way that helps us desire to please God.
There are many more things I am thankful for such as the rest of our family, our friends, Darin's job, our dogs, our home, the food we will enjoy today, and tomorrow, and the next day. God has truly blessed our lives, and for all that He's done, we are so grateful. I just hope that through anything we will be thankful and constantly giving Him praise. Desiring His will to be done in EVERY circumstance.
I love Thanksgiving! What a great reminder to give thanks... the thanks that we should be giving daily.
Something else I am incredibly grateful for are my boys personalities. They say the funniest things. A couple of which I will share...
A few weeks ago or maybe even a couple months ago Parker saw a golf course and he said "golf, me." And I said well, you are too little to play golf right now and he said "dada?" And I said, "Yes, Daddy is big, so he can play golf. When you get big you can play golf too." So, lately anytime the words big, small, young, old... anything having to do with age or size Parker says "big-golf-me." And gives us this look that is so matter-of-fact. As I am writing this I am imaging it and it is hilarious! Everytime Darin or I hear this we laugh so hard. But I am thinking that you really have to see him do it. He's also been singing a lot. "Bado bado bado bado Badobado."
This morning we had to run to the store for french fried onions. You know, green bean casserole. I had forgotten them, and Thanksgiving isn't the same without them. Well, Darin took the car to work, so we were driving in the truck. In Darin's truck there is a picture of me. Conner asked "Mommy what are you doing in that picture?" I told him "I was flying an airplane." He said "Whats Daddy doing?" And I said "he was flying the airplane too. Daddy taught Mommy how to fly an airplane on our first date." He said "Who was babysitting us?" And I said "No one, you weren't born yet." and he said, "Oh, so we were just by ourselves then."
LOL, he knows that when we go on a date, they have a babysitter. He just has no concept of a time when he was not.
These boys are so cute. Just love them so much!
Thank you God for precious family!
Ok, it is Thanksgiving so I would like to just put a few things in here that we are thankful for.
First and foremost we are so incredibly thankful for the gift of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice for us is so great that I will forever be joyful the opportunity to spend my eternity with my Savior!
Secondly I am so grateful for my sweet family. I could have never asked for a better husband or children. Its funny, because I wished so much that Parker was a girl when I was pregnant with him, and now I am so so so happy he is the boy that he is! What precious boys I get the opportunity to raise. My biggest prayer though is that they are both destined to know our Lord and Savior. I hope that they will know him greatly and deeply, for the majority of their lives.
I am thankful for our church that we feel growth almost daily by being a part of it. Our pastor has a true gift from God of speaking truth to us, apologetically in a way that helps us desire to please God.
There are many more things I am thankful for such as the rest of our family, our friends, Darin's job, our dogs, our home, the food we will enjoy today, and tomorrow, and the next day. God has truly blessed our lives, and for all that He's done, we are so grateful. I just hope that through anything we will be thankful and constantly giving Him praise. Desiring His will to be done in EVERY circumstance.
I love Thanksgiving! What a great reminder to give thanks... the thanks that we should be giving daily.
Something else I am incredibly grateful for are my boys personalities. They say the funniest things. A couple of which I will share...
A few weeks ago or maybe even a couple months ago Parker saw a golf course and he said "golf, me." And I said well, you are too little to play golf right now and he said "dada?" And I said, "Yes, Daddy is big, so he can play golf. When you get big you can play golf too." So, lately anytime the words big, small, young, old... anything having to do with age or size Parker says "big-golf-me." And gives us this look that is so matter-of-fact. As I am writing this I am imaging it and it is hilarious! Everytime Darin or I hear this we laugh so hard. But I am thinking that you really have to see him do it. He's also been singing a lot. "Bado bado bado bado Badobado."
This morning we had to run to the store for french fried onions. You know, green bean casserole. I had forgotten them, and Thanksgiving isn't the same without them. Well, Darin took the car to work, so we were driving in the truck. In Darin's truck there is a picture of me. Conner asked "Mommy what are you doing in that picture?" I told him "I was flying an airplane." He said "Whats Daddy doing?" And I said "he was flying the airplane too. Daddy taught Mommy how to fly an airplane on our first date." He said "Who was babysitting us?" And I said "No one, you weren't born yet." and he said, "Oh, so we were just by ourselves then."
LOL, he knows that when we go on a date, they have a babysitter. He just has no concept of a time when he was not.
These boys are so cute. Just love them so much!
Thank you God for precious family!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Conner...
Today was Conner's 4th birthday! We had a great day! We started out with the breakfast of champions. A big bowl of captain crunch!
Then Conner had to get ready for school... To which he brought these yummy cookies that we made last night for his class. They turned out really cute! And we had SOOOO much fun making and decorating them! Here's some pictures. NeMa and PaBob are here visiting so NeMa helped us make and decorate the cookies! We just LOVE having them to visit!
This is us making the cookies...
and here's the final product that went to school with Conner today!
Then Conner had to get ready for school... To which he brought these yummy cookies that we made last night for his class. They turned out really cute! And we had SOOOO much fun making and decorating them! Here's some pictures. NeMa and PaBob are here visiting so NeMa helped us make and decorate the cookies! We just LOVE having them to visit!

After school Daddy picked Conner up from school and took everyone out to lunch at McDonald's in honor of Conner. We had lots of fun! Then we came home and played cars and took naps (and opened some more presents). Ate dinner another of Conner's requests.... Fish, macaroni and cheese and corn. Well balanced little guy!:)
And then the boys got to ride with Darin to go and pick up his mom from the airport for a last minute visit! What fun we will have with our VERY full house. Now the boys are sleeping in our bedroom on mattresses on the floor, NeMa and PaBob are in the office on the guest bed, Grandma Wilson is in the boys room (which in normal times is the guest bedroom), and Mark and Kelly are in Conner's room and Corey in Parkers room! Wow, there are a lot of people and a lot of dogs here. 10 people and 4 dogs. Lucky for us we love each one of them soooo much! Especially the ones in our room!:)
Conner is having his birthday party on Saturday and he couldn't be more excited. We are getting a bounce house and he has invited all of his favorite friends. So we will have a load of fun... and one of his friends is actually having his birthday party the same day as Conner just a couple of hours later... SO that will be a really fun day!
A few weeks ago I wrote a list of 50 things I love about Conner. I am having trouble with my computer (so I am posting from Darins and can't cut and paste) so instead of retyping them all I will just put a few of them in here. Really I could come up with 50 million things I love about Conner, but I didn't think he or anyone really would be interested in reading a list that long:)... So I kept it somewhat short. Here are a few:
I love Conner's sweet and sensitive personality.
I love Conner's intense interests in whatever he is interested in at that moment. Enthusiasm!
I love Conner's typical answer for why things are the way they are, even when it doesn't really make sense- "because God made it that way." Like, why can't Buzz Lightyear really fly?
I love that Conner is very inviting to other kids. He may be shy, but I've not ever seen him leave another kid out.
I love that Conner loves his little brother and his daddy soooo much! And still has a special place in his heart for his mommy.
These are just a few things that I LOVE about Conner. But really God couldn't have blessed me with children that I could possibly love more than these two. They are both so precious, and my heart is melted everytime I kiss their sweet faces. Thank you God for two beautiful gifts!
Happy Birthday Conner, my big big 4 year old!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
WinKids is a little gym for kids in Flower Mound. It is really close to our house, and we knew it was cool, because we had been to a birthday party there. They have trampoline things... They are surrounded by padding and they are kind of in a strip (I know that is hard to imagine, sorry!) and they have a pit full of foam cubes. They have a little obstacle course and tons of balls. Really it is a ton of fun for parents and kids.
The only problem is... They are SOOOO super expensive.
When Conner was a baby I used to take him to gymboree. I thought that was expensive, but we went anyway. Well, now that Conner is in school I thought it would be a great time for me to take a class with Parker. So I signed us up for the free trial gym-tots class at WinKids. We went and we both LOVED it! However... It is $130 for 6 classes! Does that sound outrageous or is it me?
I looked at Gymboree and they are a little bit cheaper... but not nearly as fun... and unfortunatly there aren't any classes for Parkers age during the time that Conner is in school:(. So, we're thinking about it... but as far as this week goes, we had a blast!!! Even though the class was full of girls (with one boy- besides Parker).
The only problem is... They are SOOOO super expensive.
When Conner was a baby I used to take him to gymboree. I thought that was expensive, but we went anyway. Well, now that Conner is in school I thought it would be a great time for me to take a class with Parker. So I signed us up for the free trial gym-tots class at WinKids. We went and we both LOVED it! However... It is $130 for 6 classes! Does that sound outrageous or is it me?
I looked at Gymboree and they are a little bit cheaper... but not nearly as fun... and unfortunatly there aren't any classes for Parkers age during the time that Conner is in school:(. So, we're thinking about it... but as far as this week goes, we had a blast!!! Even though the class was full of girls (with one boy- besides Parker).
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween and stuff....
I have been soooo lazy lately. I feel bad, because when I started this blog I was planning on updating it often... Well, the newness has faded, and I am just kind of struggling to update a couple times a month now. So sorry.... That being said, here are a few pictures to tell the story of our October 2008...
LOL...I bet you are wondering why I took a picture of a bunch of junk in our trailer?! Well, this is just some documentation for our tax purposes... Conner got his 1st allowance. He helped me load up this whole trailer full of concrete and wood and such debree that the previous owners left. Yes, it is sad that we are just getting around to cleaning that up... But hey, Conner has just recently grown the muscles to do it. hehehe... I helped him.:) We did this on Saturday, and today we took him to WalMart and he got to buy a car he's been asking for for a few months now. So needless to say he is sleeping easy with "No Stall" resting on his nightstand.
Are these not the sweetest little Buzz and Hulk you've ever seen? This is at the Pumpkin Patch on our second trip. Parker insisted on being Buzz for our trip to the Pumpkin Patch on Halloween morning. Even though on Halloween night he was "Baddatt" (Batman- Parker language).
Our family at the Pumpkin Patch 2008
" Baddatt" and "Hulk" on Halloween night 2008.
Woody and Buzz. What a team!
The boys and I taking a photo op while wrestling an aligator at the zoo.

hay ride at the Pumpkin Patch.
little legs dangling from the sink!
Its even cuter (although I haven't gotten a picture) when Parker's
just finished going PeePee and he's got a naked little booty
hanging from the sink.

come because he was on a trip.
It seemed like the perfect day to go to the zoo
It seemed like the perfect day to go to the zoo
(except that in the morning it was a little bit overcast so we
thought it might rain) until about 20 minutes after we got
there... the temp jumped like 20 degrees! How does that even happen?
We were sooooo hot and just about ready to die! We finally
found a water vending machine and I was SOOO happy,
maybe more than ever before in my life... Then the machine ATE MY $3!
Can you believe that?!
know if you can see it or not, but Conner's underwear are on backwards.
He insists on this. With these underwear and actually many others it
doesn't matter for the orignal reason (that he wanted the character in the front-
usually they are on the back of the underwear). Well, being backward he
almost always has a wedgee... and yet does not care!
Another funny thing about this picture is that both of our boys think
it is hilarious to put this little Thomas couch on top of our couch and ride
it while they fall off of the couch.
And the last thing... which isn't really that funny just kind of constant
in our house is that Conner is once again in his underwear. He loves being
footloose and fancy free!
All in all we had a wonderful October. I hope that you enjoyed the picture as much as we enjoyed real time. Hoping November will hold just as many fun times as October!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Creepy Crawly
Tonight Conner, Parker, Corey (Mark and Kelly's son) and I made rice krispy treat spiders. They turned out so cute, and we had LOTS of fun! This isn't the best picture, but here is "Creepy Crawly"... That is what Conner chose to name him. This is one of the ones Conner made.
Last week we made some Halloween cookies, and the other day we carved a little pumpkin. We are totally getting into the Halloween spirit. The boys LOVE to go look at the costumes and "spooky" things they have at Walmart, Target, Party City. Whereever really. Last year we made the mistake of taking Conner to a Spirit store. If you've ever been you know why it was a mistake. I get scared in there, I don't know how we got out of there without Conner being terrified of Halloween, but we did, and this year he is totally loving the season. I know that some people don't believe in celebrating Halloween, and I sort of have mixed feelings, but I think it is fun to do all the fun little things we can do together as a family. So, we do celebrate (even though I hate to use that word). I will also post some pictures real soon of the boys in their Halloween costumes... Wanda:)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
When we are away from Parker for any length of time and we see him again he has begun to say "Miss," and then he makes a sad face. Aww... He missed us. Today we (the boys and I) went to church for my bible study. Parker HATES going to church. He cries EVERYTIME we drop him off. Well, he has begun to LOVE this woman that organizes the childcare for our bible study. Her name is Lori. She is so sweet, because if Parker gets put in a different classroom than she is in that day, she will actually go find him and bring him into her classroom, which he loves. Today I dropped off Conner, and was walking to drop off Parker, and here she came... So Parker went right to her and off they walked... no tears. YAY! And when bible study was all over... No "Miss." Sad, but good!
Although tonight I went to work for a few hours and when I got home he did let me know that he missed me. What a sweet kid...
Also, I forgot to say that when I picked Parker up after bible study Lori let me know just how sweet Parker is... as if I didn't know:) She said that he was kissing and hugging all the other kids. What a sweetie! Yesterday we went to the mall for a little bit while Conner was in school and Parker made friends with a special needs kid there and he kept kissing and hugging him. The kid was a little weary at first, but then by the time we were leaving Parker leaned in to hug him (and I think for once he was going to leave it at that) and the kid made it a point to kiss him!LOL He really is such a snuggly bug!
Although tonight I went to work for a few hours and when I got home he did let me know that he missed me. What a sweet kid...
Also, I forgot to say that when I picked Parker up after bible study Lori let me know just how sweet Parker is... as if I didn't know:) She said that he was kissing and hugging all the other kids. What a sweetie! Yesterday we went to the mall for a little bit while Conner was in school and Parker made friends with a special needs kid there and he kept kissing and hugging him. The kid was a little weary at first, but then by the time we were leaving Parker leaned in to hug him (and I think for once he was going to leave it at that) and the kid made it a point to kiss him!LOL He really is such a snuggly bug!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hair cute ...
On Thursday night Darin's sister Dawn came into town on a last minute trip... We are so excited that she is here.
I had told a friend of mine that I would watch her twins on Friday morning, while she went on a field trip with her older son, so yesterday morning Dawn and I headed out for the Pumpkin Patch with all four boys in tow. We actually had lots of fun! And somehow it never got real hectic (I fully expected it to, since we had 3 two year olds and a three year old with us in a fun, crowded place). A family in Flower Mound puts on an awesome Pumpkin Patch every year, and so far we have taken advantage every year (since we've had kids).
Then, after we got home from the PP and took naps I gave the boys haircuts!
I had told a friend of mine that I would watch her twins on Friday morning, while she went on a field trip with her older son, so yesterday morning Dawn and I headed out for the Pumpkin Patch with all four boys in tow. We actually had lots of fun! And somehow it never got real hectic (I fully expected it to, since we had 3 two year olds and a three year old with us in a fun, crowded place). A family in Flower Mound puts on an awesome Pumpkin Patch every year, and so far we have taken advantage every year (since we've had kids).
Then, after we got home from the PP and took naps I gave the boys haircuts!
So I thought you might enjoy some pictures!
above: Parker climbing yesterday
above: All of us minus the camera men at the
pumpkin patch yesterday
pumpkin patch yesterday
Somehow their shirts still fit them though so I took advantage).
Saturday, October 4, 2008
label me crazy!
Ok, well despite being sick (not still... again! UGH!) I cannot sleep. You're going to laugh that this is why I can't sleep... but seriously it is to blame.
I got a label maker. It is the cause of my inability to sleep. Tonight I went through and labeled my scrapbook stuff organizer. And my plastic set of drawers for my fabric. Trust me I did not organize anything, just labeled about 8 drawers that were already somewhat organized... I just moved a few things around to put truth to the labels.
Well... then I went to bed. Darin fell asleep (as usual! He hardly ever has a hard time sleeping). I on the otherhand got totally overwhelmed by what needs to be labeled, whats more... what needs to be organized. I am a busy body for the most part. When Conner was born for about the first 8 months I got really into T.V. and I had a schedule of what I was watching and when, and I pretty much watched T.V. all day. Honestly is there anything else to do when you are nursing all day long?! But then I finally got off my butt and started doing other things. I had never been a big t.v watcher before that... and I quite honestly got really bored with it. In fact I can hardly stand to think of the shows I used to watch without getting irritated... But my proneness to irritation is a completely different blog... see the one Anyway, I am again not into T.V. I also am usually not into napping. So, when the boys take their naps, and after they go to bed I usually get my house clean, sew, scrapbook, have quiet time really whatever needs to be done, but I am usually productive. As of late, I have been sleeping everytime they are sleeping. Or I am on the internet...LOL... like right now. I have not been doing anything. Well, I have been keeping my house fairly clean, but I have not gotten anything done other than that. So... back to the labeling thing. I feel like I have to clean out my closets, pantry, the boys toys, my clothes... Also earlier today I was trying to make up a menu. I don't really know who reads this blog... and I don't know if you know, but right now we have some friends living with us. Making dinner is such a chore for me (as I am sure for any mom) just because I never know what to make. Now I have more pressure for making a good variety of foods, because we have guests (even though they are totally not picky). Also Darin has been getting a little irritated (and I can't say I don't agree) with my frequent trips to the grocery store. If I could just do my menu and a correlating grocery list I could cut out a bunch of trips. The problem is, I just don't feel like it.LOL... Right now we have two refrigerators and a pantry full of food. To Darin this means that we shouldn't have to go to the grocery store.... But everytime I got to make something we are missing something. None of the food goes together. Sometimes I guess this just happens... but another reason is because our friends who are living here brought a whole bunch of food with them, and some of its not stuff I usually make. Anyway, my point is I desperately need to go through everything and make a list of what we have and incorporate it into my menu. Easier said than done with two little kids and no motivation.
Also, I have not been on a consistent workout routine in FOREVER it seems like. Working out is such a stress release for me, and it is a vicious cycle for me that whenever I get out of the routine I feel crappy so I can't get myself motivated to go, but I know that if I go, I will feel better.
And... I am in a bible study that I am really enjoying, but I am not doing all the work that I should be. I am reading and journaling what I am supposed to, but I am doing it all the day before we meet, and it should be spread out over the course of the week. I know that if I was in the word everyday I would feel better too.
Ok, so I just vented... but seriously that label maker I thought would make my life easier, but it is just causing me to loose sleep! UGH!
After writing this I decided that I really do just want this blog to about our family... not me. But I can't cut and paste this... So I am posting this, and it will be the last one about me.LOL... So, if you are heaving a sigh of relief... you're welcome... If you like the posts about me, I am going to have a different blog for myself. It is It is kind of nice to be able to talk about what I am going through... but it not take up the family blog.
I got a label maker. It is the cause of my inability to sleep. Tonight I went through and labeled my scrapbook stuff organizer. And my plastic set of drawers for my fabric. Trust me I did not organize anything, just labeled about 8 drawers that were already somewhat organized... I just moved a few things around to put truth to the labels.
Well... then I went to bed. Darin fell asleep (as usual! He hardly ever has a hard time sleeping). I on the otherhand got totally overwhelmed by what needs to be labeled, whats more... what needs to be organized. I am a busy body for the most part. When Conner was born for about the first 8 months I got really into T.V. and I had a schedule of what I was watching and when, and I pretty much watched T.V. all day. Honestly is there anything else to do when you are nursing all day long?! But then I finally got off my butt and started doing other things. I had never been a big t.v watcher before that... and I quite honestly got really bored with it. In fact I can hardly stand to think of the shows I used to watch without getting irritated... But my proneness to irritation is a completely different blog... see the one Anyway, I am again not into T.V. I also am usually not into napping. So, when the boys take their naps, and after they go to bed I usually get my house clean, sew, scrapbook, have quiet time really whatever needs to be done, but I am usually productive. As of late, I have been sleeping everytime they are sleeping. Or I am on the internet...LOL... like right now. I have not been doing anything. Well, I have been keeping my house fairly clean, but I have not gotten anything done other than that. So... back to the labeling thing. I feel like I have to clean out my closets, pantry, the boys toys, my clothes... Also earlier today I was trying to make up a menu. I don't really know who reads this blog... and I don't know if you know, but right now we have some friends living with us. Making dinner is such a chore for me (as I am sure for any mom) just because I never know what to make. Now I have more pressure for making a good variety of foods, because we have guests (even though they are totally not picky). Also Darin has been getting a little irritated (and I can't say I don't agree) with my frequent trips to the grocery store. If I could just do my menu and a correlating grocery list I could cut out a bunch of trips. The problem is, I just don't feel like it.LOL... Right now we have two refrigerators and a pantry full of food. To Darin this means that we shouldn't have to go to the grocery store.... But everytime I got to make something we are missing something. None of the food goes together. Sometimes I guess this just happens... but another reason is because our friends who are living here brought a whole bunch of food with them, and some of its not stuff I usually make. Anyway, my point is I desperately need to go through everything and make a list of what we have and incorporate it into my menu. Easier said than done with two little kids and no motivation.
Also, I have not been on a consistent workout routine in FOREVER it seems like. Working out is such a stress release for me, and it is a vicious cycle for me that whenever I get out of the routine I feel crappy so I can't get myself motivated to go, but I know that if I go, I will feel better.
And... I am in a bible study that I am really enjoying, but I am not doing all the work that I should be. I am reading and journaling what I am supposed to, but I am doing it all the day before we meet, and it should be spread out over the course of the week. I know that if I was in the word everyday I would feel better too.
Ok, so I just vented... but seriously that label maker I thought would make my life easier, but it is just causing me to loose sleep! UGH!
After writing this I decided that I really do just want this blog to about our family... not me. But I can't cut and paste this... So I am posting this, and it will be the last one about me.LOL... So, if you are heaving a sigh of relief... you're welcome... If you like the posts about me, I am going to have a different blog for myself. It is It is kind of nice to be able to talk about what I am going through... but it not take up the family blog.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
just some feelings...
Last night I got really sick. Really sick. I thought I might just die with my head in the toilet. Ugh. This morning I woke up with a massive headache. I felt better a little later on in the morning after I took some Excedrin. But still sick all day long.
Today I was really cranky... and so were the boys. Not a good combo. I really hope that Parker isn't getting sick. Conner was throwing up last week, so I guess I have whatever he had? Today Parker took a 3 hour nap, which he desperately needed, because he was SOOOO cranky this morning.
Now for the feelings... Not that I need to post my shortcomings online, but I am going to anyway. Maybe someone will feel like just as horrible a mom as I, and let me know so I don't feel so bad.
Anyway, lately I have been sooo much more aware of my sinful nature. I mean I have always known that I am a sinner, but I have always thought that I am a pretty good person. Well, lately I have realized that there really is no such thing as a pretty good person. Not to mention that lately I don't even feel like I am in that good person category I used to put myself in, if it existed. I don't know if this is all festering because I am sick or what... but tonight I am sad. I want so desperately for these two boys and Darin to know that I love them. That I would do anything for them. That my life has so much more meaning with them in it, and that they mean the world to me. However, in day to day life, I feel like I am just a failure of a mom in the love aspect. They are bathed, and in clean clothes everyday. They are where they need to be for different events that they need or want to be at. I take them fun places and I do fun things with them. All of this when I think about it = LOVE.... however I feel like sometimes my attitude suggests otherwise. Today was hard. I didn't feel good all day, and something was up with the boys too. I had told Conner yesterday (before the sickness set in) that I would take them to the zoo today after their nap. Well, it would have been wise for me to check on the zoo's website before promising that.... because the zoo closes at 5. Conner didn't wake up from his nap until 3:30 and the zoo is an hour away. Not to mention the fact that Parker didn't wake up until 4:45. So we will try again Friday. I really wanted to take them. Conner really wanted to go. It honestly broke my heart not to be able to keep my word to him. I really don't even know where I am going with all this. Just feeling really inadequate. I'm sure its this flu or whatever that is pushing me down in the dumps... But I just wanted to get it out. For all of the Internet to see.LOL... See, I am an inadequate mom.
This week in my bible study I was really convicted by Romans 13:8. I can't quote it word for word, but I will give you the general idea. It said something like have no debt, except the eternal debt of love for one another. I don't know why this verse hit me as it did, but it totally made me realize that I am not contributing in love to anyone the way that I would like to. The way that God intended, and I am definitely not displaying God's love through my life.
So, more than wanting someone to tell me that they are a horrible mom-:) I would really appreciate prayer. That God would soften my heart. That I would be able to have love freely flowing through me day in and day out. To everyone. Always.
Thank you.
Today I was really cranky... and so were the boys. Not a good combo. I really hope that Parker isn't getting sick. Conner was throwing up last week, so I guess I have whatever he had? Today Parker took a 3 hour nap, which he desperately needed, because he was SOOOO cranky this morning.
Now for the feelings... Not that I need to post my shortcomings online, but I am going to anyway. Maybe someone will feel like just as horrible a mom as I, and let me know so I don't feel so bad.
Anyway, lately I have been sooo much more aware of my sinful nature. I mean I have always known that I am a sinner, but I have always thought that I am a pretty good person. Well, lately I have realized that there really is no such thing as a pretty good person. Not to mention that lately I don't even feel like I am in that good person category I used to put myself in, if it existed. I don't know if this is all festering because I am sick or what... but tonight I am sad. I want so desperately for these two boys and Darin to know that I love them. That I would do anything for them. That my life has so much more meaning with them in it, and that they mean the world to me. However, in day to day life, I feel like I am just a failure of a mom in the love aspect. They are bathed, and in clean clothes everyday. They are where they need to be for different events that they need or want to be at. I take them fun places and I do fun things with them. All of this when I think about it = LOVE.... however I feel like sometimes my attitude suggests otherwise. Today was hard. I didn't feel good all day, and something was up with the boys too. I had told Conner yesterday (before the sickness set in) that I would take them to the zoo today after their nap. Well, it would have been wise for me to check on the zoo's website before promising that.... because the zoo closes at 5. Conner didn't wake up from his nap until 3:30 and the zoo is an hour away. Not to mention the fact that Parker didn't wake up until 4:45. So we will try again Friday. I really wanted to take them. Conner really wanted to go. It honestly broke my heart not to be able to keep my word to him. I really don't even know where I am going with all this. Just feeling really inadequate. I'm sure its this flu or whatever that is pushing me down in the dumps... But I just wanted to get it out. For all of the Internet to see.LOL... See, I am an inadequate mom.
This week in my bible study I was really convicted by Romans 13:8. I can't quote it word for word, but I will give you the general idea. It said something like have no debt, except the eternal debt of love for one another. I don't know why this verse hit me as it did, but it totally made me realize that I am not contributing in love to anyone the way that I would like to. The way that God intended, and I am definitely not displaying God's love through my life.
So, more than wanting someone to tell me that they are a horrible mom-:) I would really appreciate prayer. That God would soften my heart. That I would be able to have love freely flowing through me day in and day out. To everyone. Always.
Thank you.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Long time...
Its been awhile since I've posted, because I have had a lot going on. I'm not going into it all... But life is just so busy and complicated lately. And... when I've had time to post I have no clue what to write about.
So... I guess this will just be a little update.
I started working. Just sometimes... I got a job with a catering company, so I just work when they call me (if I can). I've done two jobs so far, and I actually really like it! Its pretty fun, and one of my best friends works most of the jobs I do, so that it great!
Conner has had 4 or 5 t-ball games... Sadly I've lost track. Parker NEEDS to get into a sport. Unfortunately at this age only Soccer is available for him, and he doesn't seem to be real interested in that... But believe me- HE will be in blastball the minute they will take him. That kid wants to play soooo badly! I am the team mom this year for Conners team, and Parker helps me get the helmets on the kids... get them bats... get their gloves and hats when its time for them to get back in the field. He's just WAY to cute!
Parker has become quite the snuggler and kiss nazi! Everytime I ask him for a kiss he says "No!" But then if I make a sad face he smiles and gives me a kiss! Gosh, he's sooo cute!
Conner is talking so well lately. I don't know if its preschool or what, but he has really gotten a much clearer and expansive vocabulary. He says things that you would never expect him to say... and right at the moment I can't think of the story I was going to talk about.LOL
But here's another story (having nothing to do with his vocabulary). Today when we went to pick Conner up from school his teacher asked me "Could we clone this kid?!" I didn't really know what she was talking about at first although now it seems obvious. Then she said "he's just so sweet... I wish we had 13 of him!" Isn't that so great?! I love hearing that someone else loves and appreciates my precious little boy like I do! I mean honestly, he is sweet and very well behaved! I love that kid! He is such a joy to be around, and I am glad that other people feel that way too... All that being said, I'm sure they say that to all the parents, but I don't care... I am taking it as a personal compliment to Conner!
Darin has been home a lot lately making our family so much happier! Tonight he had a softball game, and it was early enough that we got to go with him. Conner and Parker both cheered for him for a little while, and then they just HAD to go to the park. It is too much of a temptation, that we can never watch the full game. Ohwell, they had lots of fun watching and then playing. I had lots of fun watching and then watching them play. We took a friends little baby girl with us tonight, and that was sooo much fun! She is such a precious little girl, and it is not everyday we get to have a little girl around! She's nine months old, and she just googoo gawgawed all night! I guess she has a double ear infection right now:( But you would NEVER no it. She didn't make a sad sound all night. So anyway, that was fun! When we had to take her home the boys said that they wanted to keep her. So cute!
So, thats pretty much all we are up to.
So... I guess this will just be a little update.
I started working. Just sometimes... I got a job with a catering company, so I just work when they call me (if I can). I've done two jobs so far, and I actually really like it! Its pretty fun, and one of my best friends works most of the jobs I do, so that it great!
Conner has had 4 or 5 t-ball games... Sadly I've lost track. Parker NEEDS to get into a sport. Unfortunately at this age only Soccer is available for him, and he doesn't seem to be real interested in that... But believe me- HE will be in blastball the minute they will take him. That kid wants to play soooo badly! I am the team mom this year for Conners team, and Parker helps me get the helmets on the kids... get them bats... get their gloves and hats when its time for them to get back in the field. He's just WAY to cute!
Parker has become quite the snuggler and kiss nazi! Everytime I ask him for a kiss he says "No!" But then if I make a sad face he smiles and gives me a kiss! Gosh, he's sooo cute!
Conner is talking so well lately. I don't know if its preschool or what, but he has really gotten a much clearer and expansive vocabulary. He says things that you would never expect him to say... and right at the moment I can't think of the story I was going to talk about.LOL
But here's another story (having nothing to do with his vocabulary). Today when we went to pick Conner up from school his teacher asked me "Could we clone this kid?!" I didn't really know what she was talking about at first although now it seems obvious. Then she said "he's just so sweet... I wish we had 13 of him!" Isn't that so great?! I love hearing that someone else loves and appreciates my precious little boy like I do! I mean honestly, he is sweet and very well behaved! I love that kid! He is such a joy to be around, and I am glad that other people feel that way too... All that being said, I'm sure they say that to all the parents, but I don't care... I am taking it as a personal compliment to Conner!
Darin has been home a lot lately making our family so much happier! Tonight he had a softball game, and it was early enough that we got to go with him. Conner and Parker both cheered for him for a little while, and then they just HAD to go to the park. It is too much of a temptation, that we can never watch the full game. Ohwell, they had lots of fun watching and then playing. I had lots of fun watching and then watching them play. We took a friends little baby girl with us tonight, and that was sooo much fun! She is such a precious little girl, and it is not everyday we get to have a little girl around! She's nine months old, and she just googoo gawgawed all night! I guess she has a double ear infection right now:( But you would NEVER no it. She didn't make a sad sound all night. So anyway, that was fun! When we had to take her home the boys said that they wanted to keep her. So cute!
So, thats pretty much all we are up to.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Parker's Birthday
Well, my little baby is two! I can't believe it. But he is still his sweet little self. Tonight he was just melting my heart. He didn't want to go to bed, so he kept sneaking out of his room and over to me, because he knew that I would love on him for a minute before putting him back in his bed. I know that only encourages the behavior, but honestly, how could anyone not love on that sweet little boy. He's just too precious!!!
He had lots of fun today, with all his friends over. He got tons of presents! So he definitely needed help opening them. He kept wanting to stop and play with the toys.:)
Conner had lots of fun today too. He got to drink soda for the first time. Orange soda! He LOVED it.... but it did what sugar does to little kids, and he was a little bit crazy the rest of the day... So, I think he'll have to hold off for awhile longer. Parker also tried the Orange Soda, but he didn't like it. He made a funny face, and said "Juice?" Like, what is this... can I please get some juice?
Anyway, it was a great day. Darin and I took the boys out for donuts this morning, and then Conner and Darin got haircuts and Parker and I did a little bit of shopping. We all came home ate lunch, napped and then Partayed! Here are a few pictures.
Can't sleep
Tomorrow, well today is Parkers 2nd Birthday. I can't believe he will be two in just about 2 and a half hours! I remember not being able to sleep this night two years ago too. Just waiting to wake up and go to the hospital and have him. At this time I think we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. This was one appointment I was not late for. I couldn't wait to meet the sweet little kicker I'd been feeling the past several months. Darin, Conner, Mike (my brother) and I all went to the hospital. Mike helped us out in the waiting room, by getting Conner ready to meet his new little brother while Darin and I greeted Parker Blaine Wilson into the world. What a precious little boy. I never knew that I could love anyone as much as I loved Darin... Then Conner came along and I for sure thought I couldn't love anyone else as much, and then Parker came, and I am just amazed at the love my heart feels. Sometimes it feels like it will burst, if they do anything sweet!LOL Parker was 19 1/2 inches long, and 8.1 pounds. I wish I had his exact size now (his two year checkup is Monday), but he's somewhere around 30 pounds now, and I am not sure how tall... Wow, sometimes I think about how little he was and how he used to be able to fit in my belly. Now I can sometimes hardly carry him.
Parker is such a blessing to our family. He makes us laugh ALL the time. He gives very sweet hugs and kisses, and he loves to snuggle. At bedtime and naptime he is always asking us to galk (talk) and he wants to pray. Which he tells us by folding his hands and yelling our names.:) Right now Parker calls me "Mama" and Darin "Dada" and Conner "Cacur" and Pixie "Pittee." He hasn't started calling Harley anything yet... unless he thinks her name is "NO!" Maybe because that is what we are constantly telling her lately:) He tells her that all the time.
Today we are having a birthday party for Parker. A baseball party. He loves baseball. Actually, he loves blastball! He thinks that is what baseball is too. I guess what he really loves is his big brother, who played blastball (he's since upgraded to t-ball). Parker wants to play soooo badly, but he's too young. So this year, he gets to be the t-ball Dodgers batboy! He is really excited! Everytime you say "batboy" he says "MEEE."
Anyway, today we celebrate one of God's special gifts to us... Parker Blaine.
Pictures to come after the party.
Parker is such a blessing to our family. He makes us laugh ALL the time. He gives very sweet hugs and kisses, and he loves to snuggle. At bedtime and naptime he is always asking us to galk (talk) and he wants to pray. Which he tells us by folding his hands and yelling our names.:) Right now Parker calls me "Mama" and Darin "Dada" and Conner "Cacur" and Pixie "Pittee." He hasn't started calling Harley anything yet... unless he thinks her name is "NO!" Maybe because that is what we are constantly telling her lately:) He tells her that all the time.
Today we are having a birthday party for Parker. A baseball party. He loves baseball. Actually, he loves blastball! He thinks that is what baseball is too. I guess what he really loves is his big brother, who played blastball (he's since upgraded to t-ball). Parker wants to play soooo badly, but he's too young. So this year, he gets to be the t-ball Dodgers batboy! He is really excited! Everytime you say "batboy" he says "MEEE."
Anyway, today we celebrate one of God's special gifts to us... Parker Blaine.
Pictures to come after the party.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Some pictures of the newest addition to our family... and our trip to Oklahoma

Monday, September 8, 2008
funny stuff
This weekend we went to Oklahoma to see an aunt and uncle and some cousins of mine. We had lots of fun.
The boys got to go fishing and help feed the cows and ride in the tractor, and jump on the trampoline with their cousins. When it got dark they got to catch fireflies. We brought them home with us hoping to inhabit Texas with fireflies. They lived, but I guess they flew back to Oklahoma, because I haven't seen any in the dark out here yet. Also, Uncle Willard took them to the gas station and let them pick out whatever they wanted! They both picked the same thing!LOL Candy sharks, with a juicy center!:) Conner kept saying "MMmmm, juicy center!"
We also went to the farmers home depot. Thats not what its called, but that was basically what it was. And, they had fresh popped pop corn there. Anyway, we got some and Conner told asked me if we were at the movies.LOL... I guess that is the only time he eats popcorn. I said no, and he said that he was going to pretend he was watching a movie. I asked him what movie he was watching and he said "The Dark Knight." I honestly don't even know how he knew the name of the movie, but whatever. Then later he said "Mommy I am watching a different movie now. Its 'The Dark Knight in The Daytime.'" LOL
So... the night before last they had to sleep in their diapers (pull-up for Conner) because they had made all their clothes FILTHY. Anyway, in his diaper Parker ate breakfast yesterday morning. Parker has always been pretty, shall I say... husky. Well, yesterday while he was eating breakfast he looked really skinny. So I said, "Gosh Parker, you look really skinny today!" And he looked at me, over his shoulder and sweetly smiled and said, "thank you." LOL! I wish you could see how he did it. It was the funniest thing ever! I have honestly been laughing ever since. I don't know if I should just think this is funny or be worried about him! Is my almost 2 year old weight conscience?!LOL
What funny kids.
We had a great weekend. We're home now and Darin left last night, but he is coming home early tomorrow morning.
Conner is back to school tomorrow.
The boys got to go fishing and help feed the cows and ride in the tractor, and jump on the trampoline with their cousins. When it got dark they got to catch fireflies. We brought them home with us hoping to inhabit Texas with fireflies. They lived, but I guess they flew back to Oklahoma, because I haven't seen any in the dark out here yet. Also, Uncle Willard took them to the gas station and let them pick out whatever they wanted! They both picked the same thing!LOL Candy sharks, with a juicy center!:) Conner kept saying "MMmmm, juicy center!"
We also went to the farmers home depot. Thats not what its called, but that was basically what it was. And, they had fresh popped pop corn there. Anyway, we got some and Conner told asked me if we were at the movies.LOL... I guess that is the only time he eats popcorn. I said no, and he said that he was going to pretend he was watching a movie. I asked him what movie he was watching and he said "The Dark Knight." I honestly don't even know how he knew the name of the movie, but whatever. Then later he said "Mommy I am watching a different movie now. Its 'The Dark Knight in The Daytime.'" LOL
So... the night before last they had to sleep in their diapers (pull-up for Conner) because they had made all their clothes FILTHY. Anyway, in his diaper Parker ate breakfast yesterday morning. Parker has always been pretty, shall I say... husky. Well, yesterday while he was eating breakfast he looked really skinny. So I said, "Gosh Parker, you look really skinny today!" And he looked at me, over his shoulder and sweetly smiled and said, "thank you." LOL! I wish you could see how he did it. It was the funniest thing ever! I have honestly been laughing ever since. I don't know if I should just think this is funny or be worried about him! Is my almost 2 year old weight conscience?!LOL
What funny kids.
We had a great weekend. We're home now and Darin left last night, but he is coming home early tomorrow morning.
Conner is back to school tomorrow.
Friday, September 5, 2008
First day of school... A little late

I can't believe his is in school!

Tuesday was Conner's first day of school! He loves it. He was happy to go in and have a seat and play with playdough. He was so big. I haven't written in the blog about it because i don't even really know what to say about the whole experience. I still don't really, but its been 4 days... so I feel like i should blog it:)
When we dropped him off (we were fortunate, because Darin got to be here for that) we were all fine. Well, Parker was a little confused and sad, but overall no one cried, and it kind of just seemed like we were dropping him off for school as if we had been doing it for years before that.
About 20 minutes later, on the way home it hit me. I was wondering what he was doing, and then I was thinking, what if someone is being mean to him? I said that to Darin, and he was like "Donna, people are going to be mean to him." I know that... I just can't bear that thought of it. He is a very sensitive little guy, and he is soooo sweet, he is not mean to other people. I just can't imagine him getting picked on. I know I sound like a typical mom who thinks her child is perfect... But seriously, he is very sweet and sharing, and aware of other peoples feelings. That is not to say he is ALWAYS sweet to his brother, but that is different from the outside world.:)
Anyway, that is when I started to cry a little bit. Just knowing that he is growing up. That he is going to depend on more people than Darin and I. And to think that those people might let him down sometimes and his heart may be broken (not that Darin and I never let him down). You just want to protect your child from all pain... Unfortunatly I know it is neccessary for his growth.
Conner is very lucky though, because our old neighbor's daughter Ella is in his class this year, and that has made it an even easier place to go. He really likes his "girlfriend." It was so cute, after school his first day I asked him if he made new friends, and he said "no, I just have one." I asked him who it was and he said "Ella." And I said oh, did you talk to anyone else? And he said "no, but I talked to Ella." I was just wondering what they talked about... and I told Ella's mom that Conner said they "talked," and she said, "thats so funny, because Ella came home and said they "talked" too. A three year old conversation.... It had to be cute. I would have loved to just sit in his class as a fly on the wall. I assume I will feel this way all throughout his life. It would be fun to see how he interacts with everyone, and how people interact with him.
Conner is very lucky though, because our old neighbor's daughter Ella is in his class this year, and that has made it an even easier place to go. He really likes his "girlfriend." It was so cute, after school his first day I asked him if he made new friends, and he said "no, I just have one." I asked him who it was and he said "Ella." And I said oh, did you talk to anyone else? And he said "no, but I talked to Ella." I was just wondering what they talked about... and I told Ella's mom that Conner said they "talked," and she said, "thats so funny, because Ella came home and said they "talked" too. A three year old conversation.... It had to be cute. I would have loved to just sit in his class as a fly on the wall. I assume I will feel this way all throughout his life. It would be fun to see how he interacts with everyone, and how people interact with him.
Now, about Parker. This boy does not understand why Conner has to go to school. When he gets in his carseat after dropping Conner off all he does is point to Conners seat and say "Concur, Concur, Concur." That is what he calls Conner. Its really sad. But then we get to spend some special one on one time, and I think he kind of likes that. Although so far we haven't really known what to do without Conner here. It doesn't exactly come naturally. We'll get used to it though.
Also, last Thursday Conner's tee-ball started. Last season he played blastball, but now he has promoted to 4u tee-ball. There are a lot more kids on his team than before, and it seems like a lot more want to be involved than last year. So this is exciting... and after the first day of practice a lot of the parents went out for pizza, so that was really fun, getting to know more parents and kids! This year I am the team mom. It will be a real task at games, because Parker was a real handful at games last year. He wants to play so bad, that everytime I would take my eye off of him for a second, he was running from me trying to sneak onto a field! Luckily I caught him each time before actually getting out there. So, this year, he is going to be the batboy. He is really excited about this, and calls himself "baboy." SOOOO CUTE! I can't wait to see how the first game pans out... even though I am a bit nervous!
Tonight we are going to Tulsa to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins. I'm real excited! We are only staying until Sunday morning, but it should be lots of fun! It will be nice to have a little get away!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Family time
Today we had nothing planned. I kind of hate those days, because I feel like they are wasted when we just sit at home and do NOTHING... Especially when Darin is home, because (lately especially) it feels like those days are few and far between. Although, I have to say he has been home for almost a week now, because his airplane is broken. So, not so nice for Mr. Brewer, but great for us.
Anyway, we had nothing planned... But we soon decided that we would go to the gym as a family. That was fun. We met up with some friends, and Darin played Raquetball with Matt (the husband of our friends) and I worked out with Jenn (the wife) while the boys played with Matt and Jenn's three boys in the childcare. Then we picked up our kids, and some more of our friends came, and we all ate lunch and swam in the pool there. It was so nice. Just hanging out with all the kids (8 including our boys!). Tonight I am watching Matt and Jenns boys so they can go on a date. Right now they are sleeping, and I wish I was! It was a long day. But really fun! Hope we can do something like that again soon! In fact I think the boys and I will go again tomorrow, but Darin is working at Best Buy... So he won't go with us. But... tomorrow night we have a date planned (Jenn and Matt are repaying the favor). We don't have family here, but at least we have friends who don't have family here either, and we can help each other out.
The great thing about the gym... Is that actually this isn't even our gym... well, now it is. Our gym sold out to LifeTime (A huge gym that is actually closer to us), and now we get to go there! I am soooo excited, because honestly it is an awesome gym! Like, they even have a restaurant there and a beach volleyball pit, and we (Darin, and I and our friends) about how we could go there and drop off the kids and all have dinner, or play volleyball... Like a night out with our friends! For two hours, because that is the max time. But thats ok! If you can't tell I am WAY excited about this new gym!
Ok, well that was about all I had to write tonight. I am kind of in a funk. Don't know why. If you read this, maybe you could say a little prayer for me. I think I may just need sleep but I don't know. Maybe some vitamins or something?
Anyway, we had nothing planned... But we soon decided that we would go to the gym as a family. That was fun. We met up with some friends, and Darin played Raquetball with Matt (the husband of our friends) and I worked out with Jenn (the wife) while the boys played with Matt and Jenn's three boys in the childcare. Then we picked up our kids, and some more of our friends came, and we all ate lunch and swam in the pool there. It was so nice. Just hanging out with all the kids (8 including our boys!). Tonight I am watching Matt and Jenns boys so they can go on a date. Right now they are sleeping, and I wish I was! It was a long day. But really fun! Hope we can do something like that again soon! In fact I think the boys and I will go again tomorrow, but Darin is working at Best Buy... So he won't go with us. But... tomorrow night we have a date planned (Jenn and Matt are repaying the favor). We don't have family here, but at least we have friends who don't have family here either, and we can help each other out.
The great thing about the gym... Is that actually this isn't even our gym... well, now it is. Our gym sold out to LifeTime (A huge gym that is actually closer to us), and now we get to go there! I am soooo excited, because honestly it is an awesome gym! Like, they even have a restaurant there and a beach volleyball pit, and we (Darin, and I and our friends) about how we could go there and drop off the kids and all have dinner, or play volleyball... Like a night out with our friends! For two hours, because that is the max time. But thats ok! If you can't tell I am WAY excited about this new gym!
Ok, well that was about all I had to write tonight. I am kind of in a funk. Don't know why. If you read this, maybe you could say a little prayer for me. I think I may just need sleep but I don't know. Maybe some vitamins or something?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thank you Faith for your comment on my last blog! I LOVED it! Lots of great ideas!
Well... our yard is mowed!!! Our friend Mark came over today and mowed it for us. He said he'll be back to weedeat on Monday! YAY! What a great friends we have in the Robbins! The yard looks fabulous too... especially for Mark never having driven a riding lawn mower. SO... Thank you thank you thank you... even though I really doubt he reads my blog!:)
Today we got to go to a birthday party. The boys had lots of fun! And cake!
Afterward we came home, and got baths (they were really dirty after the party) and they got down for their naps, and I got to blow all the grass (from our wonderful mowing), and YAY! I got our garage cleaned out! We have a three car garage now, and somehow it was still only working for one car. But now it will fit two! Yay! We really need a shed. Then we could fit 3... But for now 2 is great! In fact, that is all we have, so that is perfectly fine!LOL
Also, I was finally able to find a crate for the new puppy on craigslist! Yay, we'll start try that out tomorrow! So, hopefully that makes a difference in her potty training undertaking!
Ok, I'm real sleepy now, so I think I will be going to bed now!
Well... our yard is mowed!!! Our friend Mark came over today and mowed it for us. He said he'll be back to weedeat on Monday! YAY! What a great friends we have in the Robbins! The yard looks fabulous too... especially for Mark never having driven a riding lawn mower. SO... Thank you thank you thank you... even though I really doubt he reads my blog!:)
Today we got to go to a birthday party. The boys had lots of fun! And cake!
Afterward we came home, and got baths (they were really dirty after the party) and they got down for their naps, and I got to blow all the grass (from our wonderful mowing), and YAY! I got our garage cleaned out! We have a three car garage now, and somehow it was still only working for one car. But now it will fit two! Yay! We really need a shed. Then we could fit 3... But for now 2 is great! In fact, that is all we have, so that is perfectly fine!LOL
Also, I was finally able to find a crate for the new puppy on craigslist! Yay, we'll start try that out tomorrow! So, hopefully that makes a difference in her potty training undertaking!
Ok, I'm real sleepy now, so I think I will be going to bed now!
Friday, August 22, 2008
In desprate need of Daddy!
Well, we got home from Wisconsin on the 14th. It is now the 22nd and Darin has been home 2 nights thus far. Those were Sunday and Monday nights. He got home Sunday night and left again on Tuesday afternoon. He's not supposed to be home until Sunday night, and he will leave again Monday morning, come back Monday night, leave Tuesday morning, come back Thursday night and leave Friday until Sunday night.
It was so nice to have our week away in Wisconsin, but it feels like we have not gotten to spend anytime with him in a long time! And the light at the end of the tunnel seems SOOOO far away!
We got a new puppy the day that we got home. She's real sweet and cute. But... it seems like my WHOLE life is potty training. I clean up poop and pee ALL day long. Whether its Harley's (thats her name) or Parkers, or Pixie (our other dog-who thinks now she can pee whereever she wants).
Anyway, just wanted to post this, in case anyone reading it wants to come visit us. We're lonely! Wish we could just hop on a plane and go somewhere so this time without daddy would pass us by quickly!
Not to mention that our grass looks like an amazon (the one full day Darin was home it was pouring rain). I am embarassed to go outside lest my neighbors see me and give me "the whatfor!" I would mow it myself, but I don't know how to operate our new riding lawnmower, and I don't have enough time to do it by hand, with the boys needing my constant attention.
So.. Sorry, this is just a big pity party of a blog entry... but that is where we're at. At least that is where I am today! The boys are just wonderful! Love them! I'm so happy that I have them around when Darin is gone! Sure somedays I would like to have to myself... but I can't imagine how sad and lonely I would be if they were all 3 gone!:(
It was so nice to have our week away in Wisconsin, but it feels like we have not gotten to spend anytime with him in a long time! And the light at the end of the tunnel seems SOOOO far away!
We got a new puppy the day that we got home. She's real sweet and cute. But... it seems like my WHOLE life is potty training. I clean up poop and pee ALL day long. Whether its Harley's (thats her name) or Parkers, or Pixie (our other dog-who thinks now she can pee whereever she wants).
Anyway, just wanted to post this, in case anyone reading it wants to come visit us. We're lonely! Wish we could just hop on a plane and go somewhere so this time without daddy would pass us by quickly!
Not to mention that our grass looks like an amazon (the one full day Darin was home it was pouring rain). I am embarassed to go outside lest my neighbors see me and give me "the whatfor!" I would mow it myself, but I don't know how to operate our new riding lawnmower, and I don't have enough time to do it by hand, with the boys needing my constant attention.
So.. Sorry, this is just a big pity party of a blog entry... but that is where we're at. At least that is where I am today! The boys are just wonderful! Love them! I'm so happy that I have them around when Darin is gone! Sure somedays I would like to have to myself... but I can't imagine how sad and lonely I would be if they were all 3 gone!:(
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A few pictures from our trip to Wisconsin...

In my dad's backyard (he lives in the woods) he has a little burn pit for campfires, and he built a bunch of benches, so we sat out there and had a couple campfires. Lots of fun in the Northwoods!
Me and my dad.
Us with my dad and his girlfriend, my grandma and grandpa and my cousin Mariah at my dad's house. We had a fish fry.
Parker LOVED every piece of farm equipment that he saw! We knew he would, because he LOVES our little John Deere.
My grandpa and my aunt and I got to go fishing. We actually got to go the last time we visited also. The three of us had so much fun! Both times. We've decided to make it a routine trip! Everytime we go there! YAY!

I have some more pictures that my aunt took. She's a much better photographer than I... But I haven't downloaded them yet. So.... more to come! But here are just a few.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mall of America... here we come!!!
Well, we enjoyed our last week in the great state of Wisconsin! We got to see my dad and his girlfriend, my grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles, and cousins, and some friends. What fun! The boys really loved riding four wheelers, boating, feeding the horses at the ranch my dad works at. We ate LOTS and LOTS of food!
It is so hard to leave there. We just never know when we will get back, and if everyone will be there when we get back:( there is a lot of old family there. We really worked on my grandma and grandpa to come down and see us for a month or two this winter, because in Wisconsin -20 degree weather is a common event. Needless to say it is not the most comfortable climate. We just hope SOOOO much that they decide to come. It would be soooo fun to spend that kind of time with them! And for the boys to get to as well. We could learn all about all kinds of things!
My aunt Lindy took some pictures of us and they turned out really cute. I will post some later.
Anyway, Darin was supposed to leave tomorrow, and us REAL early in the morning on Thursday, but luckily he was able to change his flight and now we have all day tomorrow together, and since we are in Minneapolis (that is where we are flying out of) we are going to spend the day at the Mall of America! YEAH! I can't wait! I love shopping, and I saw online that they have an aquarium. The boys are excited to see.
So, I will post more when I get home, but I had a minute so I thought I would do a quick update!
We are off to dinner...
It is so hard to leave there. We just never know when we will get back, and if everyone will be there when we get back:( there is a lot of old family there. We really worked on my grandma and grandpa to come down and see us for a month or two this winter, because in Wisconsin -20 degree weather is a common event. Needless to say it is not the most comfortable climate. We just hope SOOOO much that they decide to come. It would be soooo fun to spend that kind of time with them! And for the boys to get to as well. We could learn all about all kinds of things!
My aunt Lindy took some pictures of us and they turned out really cute. I will post some later.
Anyway, Darin was supposed to leave tomorrow, and us REAL early in the morning on Thursday, but luckily he was able to change his flight and now we have all day tomorrow together, and since we are in Minneapolis (that is where we are flying out of) we are going to spend the day at the Mall of America! YEAH! I can't wait! I love shopping, and I saw online that they have an aquarium. The boys are excited to see.
So, I will post more when I get home, but I had a minute so I thought I would do a quick update!
We are off to dinner...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
7 years...
Today is the 7th anniversary of my moms death. The day actually went fine. I only cried once, and it wasn't about that. Maybe I will writing this blog
I am so sad that Conner and Parker will not meet this grandma on this earth. I know my mom would have loved them so much. She would have cherished being their grandma and been so proud of my choice in husband. I wish my family had the chance to meet my mom. It is so weird to me that they've never even seen her. Never heard her voice. I don't really remember who I sent this blog link to, so many of you probably didn't know her either... But really she was very special. I miss her so much. I just wish that she got to see my children and my husband. Not to mention all the advice I have missed out on. There are so many things that "I wish." But most of all just for my family to love her the way i did... and unfortunatly I know that will never happen, because it is hard to love someone that deeply when you never even met them. It does not seem like 7 years have gone by, as I can clearly remember that night that she died. I can clearly remember the unbearable pain that followed that I NEVER thought I would get through, and I still don't know how I did. I remember when she was sick praying and praying, always thinking that somehow she would get through it. I knew that she might die, and I think I knew that she probably would die, but it was so hard to wrap my brain around her death. Strangely it still is, 7 years later I still pick up the phone to call her. I still think sometimes think I will tell her something, and then realize I can't. It is the strangest feeling.
Darin has said and I know it is true that part of the result of my moms death is Darin and I's marriage. I know that sounds strange, but if my mom never died I would not have lived with Debbie and Craig (who I honestly give credit to my and Darin's relationship- without them I would have never seen first hand a wonderful marriage with love and trust and true commitment- at least one that I chose to learn from). I also probably never would have moved down south. I am not saying that I am glad my mom died- obviously... but God does work good out of every bad situation. Fortunatly I get to see and live some of the good that he worked out of this tragic situation.
I know I can't... but if I could go back...there are so many things I would go back and change... both before she died and after.... But now all I can do is live a life that is pleasing to God, and if I do that, I know my mom would be proud of me. I sometimes just wish she could have been alive to see me make the changes in my life that she prayed for day in and day out. I wish she could see my wonderful husband who is probably more than what she prayed for, and my children who already seem to love the Lord in a childlike faith (the best faith of all). If she could see them ask me to pray. Parker folding his hands while Conner thanks God for everything he can think of, and then when he's done Conner saying "Amen" and Parker saying "Men." I know that I am soooo lucky for the 20 years I got to spend with her... but sometimes I can't help but feel cheated. I know I am not. I had a wonderful mother, and in 20 years she must have done what most moms need a lifetime to do. I love you mom... I think of you and miss you everyday and always will. Thank you for never giving up on me and keeping me in your prayers until the day you died... I am just sure that you are up their talking to God about me now.
Yeah... and I did cry while typing this- surprise surprise!
On a different subject...
The other day I had a really bad headache and Conner was doing something that was irritating my headache and I said, "Conner, please stop. Mommy's head hurts really bad." He was sitting on the toilet and the time. Anyway, he looked at me and then closed his eyes and said "God thank you for gonna make Mommy's head feel better. Amen." Isn't that so sweet?! What a precious boy!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Update on Parkers room...

Oh, it looks so cute! I'm so excited about it. He seems to like it too... The only thing I don't have up yet is a bat hook rack (like one that Pottery Barn sells)... My dad is making it. Hopefully he can have it done so that we can bring it home with us from his house in a couple weeks... Anyway, here are some pictures!
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