Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Long time...

Its been awhile since I've posted, because I have had a lot going on. I'm not going into it all... But life is just so busy and complicated lately. And... when I've had time to post I have no clue what to write about.
So... I guess this will just be a little update.
I started working. Just sometimes... I got a job with a catering company, so I just work when they call me (if I can). I've done two jobs so far, and I actually really like it! Its pretty fun, and one of my best friends works most of the jobs I do, so that it great!
Conner has had 4 or 5 t-ball games... Sadly I've lost track. Parker NEEDS to get into a sport. Unfortunately at this age only Soccer is available for him, and he doesn't seem to be real interested in that... But believe me- HE will be in blastball the minute they will take him. That kid wants to play soooo badly! I am the team mom this year for Conners team, and Parker helps me get the helmets on the kids... get them bats... get their gloves and hats when its time for them to get back in the field. He's just WAY to cute!
Parker has become quite the snuggler and kiss nazi! Everytime I ask him for a kiss he says "No!" But then if I make a sad face he smiles and gives me a kiss! Gosh, he's sooo cute!
Conner is talking so well lately. I don't know if its preschool or what, but he has really gotten a much clearer and expansive vocabulary. He says things that you would never expect him to say... and right at the moment I can't think of the story I was going to talk about.LOL
But here's another story (having nothing to do with his vocabulary). Today when we went to pick Conner up from school his teacher asked me "Could we clone this kid?!" I didn't really know what she was talking about at first although now it seems obvious. Then she said "he's just so sweet... I wish we had 13 of him!" Isn't that so great?! I love hearing that someone else loves and appreciates my precious little boy like I do! I mean honestly, he is sweet and very well behaved! I love that kid! He is such a joy to be around, and I am glad that other people feel that way too... All that being said, I'm sure they say that to all the parents, but I don't care... I am taking it as a personal compliment to Conner!
Darin has been home a lot lately making our family so much happier! Tonight he had a softball game, and it was early enough that we got to go with him. Conner and Parker both cheered for him for a little while, and then they just HAD to go to the park. It is too much of a temptation, that we can never watch the full game. Ohwell, they had lots of fun watching and then playing. I had lots of fun watching and then watching them play. We took a friends little baby girl with us tonight, and that was sooo much fun! She is such a precious little girl, and it is not everyday we get to have a little girl around! She's nine months old, and she just googoo gawgawed all night! I guess she has a double ear infection right now:( But you would NEVER no it. She didn't make a sad sound all night. So anyway, that was fun! When we had to take her home the boys said that they wanted to keep her. So cute!
So, thats pretty much all we are up to.


Wanda said...

i miss you guys sooo much and really looking forward to visiting for a long time. mom and dad are really looking forward to seeing you soon....thanks for updating your blog...love you, wanda

Colored With Memories said...

uh, yeah...i haven't gotten the comment that they want to clone, Lily...so i'm thinking they don't tell everyone that! in fact, she'd probably like to replace lily w/another connner!

sounds like you've been so busy!

thanks for bringing the boys to lily's party...i just got some of the pics up on my blog!