Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Sweet Parker is still fast asleep (its 8:40-but I had to give him cough syrup at 4:30- so who knows how long he will sleep for). Hopefully he wakes up soon, because I want to take the boys out for donuts this morning for a special Valentines breakfast.
Darin's in Florida... Again. Last time he was there I got to go too. In January, that is where we celebrated our 5th anniversary. We are definitely missing him. Hope he isn't lonely on this Valentines day.
Other than our donut breakfast we don't have any big plans for today.
I do have a funny story though. Actually a few funny things have been said around here lately. Mostly by Conner, although Parker has become quite the chatterbox lately.:)
Anyway, the other day we were talking about Conner's valentines, and his class valentines party and he said that if any girls in his class gave him a princess valentine he was going to have to throw it in the trash, because princesses are for chicks. Well, he did get some princesses and he didn't thrown them in the trash... in fact he had NO problem eating the princess fruit snacks that he was given.LOL
Also... I almost forgot to post it... BUT Conner can ride his bike now! I know that seems very late... At least I think it does, but once he started riding he just took off. Now he wants to be outside riding all day long! Yay! Its so much fun!
Hope your Valentines day is great and full of love with your loved ones!

1 comment:

Wanda said...

i'm sorry your loved one was not there, but you can "pretend" tomorrow that it's valentine's day and enjoy the time together. wow, can't wait to see conner ride his bike. that's great!! parker will be riding his bike soon....wanting to follow his brother!! ; - )
look forward to seeing you all on March 12th!! yeah!! can't come soon enough!!! love ya..