Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Please pray...

Today we got some really sad news... Darin's cousin Camryn who we love and adore (4 years old-5 in April) had lukemia, and seemed to have fully recovered from it. Well, today we found out that her lukemia is back. She will have to undergo a bone marrow transplant (after she finishes 5 weeks of arsenic treatment). She has already had a stemcell transplant at just 2 1/2 years of age. This poor little girl has been through so much already and my heart breaks for the conversation her parents have to have with her tonight about it pretty much starting all over. She's older now, but she has not forgotten all that she's already been through. And being that she is older now she will understand much more. I don't know if that is good or bad. I just hurt so bad for their family, because I can't imagine what its like to go through what they have already had to go through, and what they are starting to go through again. They are strong believers, and her mother has even encouraged me throughout their journey. I know that God will give them the strength to get through these tough times, and whatever the outcome He will be glorified through Camryn and her brother and parents. I just also know that sometimes God's glory can be painful. We just don't understand it always. To watch a little girl go through this is just too painful, even if she comes out healthy on the other side.
Ok, well I know I am rambling, and I also know that most of the people that read this blog are family members, but in case you read it and didn't already know all this... please pray for Camryn Lee. She is a very special little girl, and her and her family just really need your prayers.

1 comment:

dana said...

thanks donna...we certainly appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

love to you...