Wednesday, October 22, 2008


When we are away from Parker for any length of time and we see him again he has begun to say "Miss," and then he makes a sad face. Aww... He missed us. Today we (the boys and I) went to church for my bible study. Parker HATES going to church. He cries EVERYTIME we drop him off. Well, he has begun to LOVE this woman that organizes the childcare for our bible study. Her name is Lori. She is so sweet, because if Parker gets put in a different classroom than she is in that day, she will actually go find him and bring him into her classroom, which he loves. Today I dropped off Conner, and was walking to drop off Parker, and here she came... So Parker went right to her and off they walked... no tears. YAY! And when bible study was all over... No "Miss." Sad, but good!
Although tonight I went to work for a few hours and when I got home he did let me know that he missed me. What a sweet kid...
Also, I forgot to say that when I picked Parker up after bible study Lori let me know just how sweet Parker is... as if I didn't know:) She said that he was kissing and hugging all the other kids. What a sweetie! Yesterday we went to the mall for a little bit while Conner was in school and Parker made friends with a special needs kid there and he kept kissing and hugging him. The kid was a little weary at first, but then by the time we were leaving Parker leaned in to hug him (and I think for once he was going to leave it at that) and the kid made it a point to kiss him!LOL He really is such a snuggly bug!

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