Friday, April 17, 2009

How did God get soooo big? Conner knows!

This morning Darin and I took the boys out for donuts for a "staying in bed all night 5 nights in a row" reward. It may sound ridiculous... but I don't care. This new sticker chart we've been doing with this has really been helping! Thanks Dawn for the idea. Funny, a single woman with no kids... may have solved our sleeping problems?! Anyway, so we were walking out the door talking about which donuts we were going to have and Darin joked with the boys that he was going to eat all the donuts. All of them in the entire world. Conner said "Oh and then you will be as big as God?"
He also informed me that he does not like ponytails today. He said they are "ugly." Of course I had just put my hair in its first ponytail in about a year and a half.LOL He was pretty brutally honest today, as he had told me earlier that he did not like the clothes that I was wearing.


soccergrammi said...

What little stinkers kids can be in their state of absolute honesty! You just can't help but love 'em though, they may well be the only honest ones around you. lol Give those boys big hugs and kisses for Auntie Liz.

Wanda said...

wow, he is getting opinionated, isn't father, like son!! i remember a few "conversations" we had with a certain someone once upon a time!! keeps us humble...; - )
love you guys...

Colored With Memories said...

yeah...i just LOVE their lily mentioned something about when she gets a baby ears pricked up and i asked her how that was going to happen....she thought a bit and said...well, when you eat a baby then it will end up in your tummy. ???what???

usually her antics just involve pointing out my coffee breath. of course jade pointed to a pimple of mine the other day and called it an "owie"...the fun starts young!

popbob said...