Thursday, July 17, 2008

United States... ABC's... Elmo... C-O-N-N-E-R... this is what our days have been consumed with lately. We are doing puzzle after puzzle and trying despratley to teach Conner how to spell his name, and write his name.
Darin came home in the wee hours of this morning, and brought with him a puzzle each for both boys, and we have been doing them ALL day long today! They love them!
Neomia and Bob (Darin's grandparents) stayed here with the boys during naptime so that Darin and I could go out and have some coffee and do some shopping. That was real nice!
Darin has to leave again tomorrow early in the morning, and he won't be back till Sunday... I don't know what the plan is after that. It is so hard to keep track.
We are just really enjoying having family in town. Just wish so much that we had all of our family all the time!!! Any takers?!


Wanda said...

wish we could be there!! my jury duty has now been changed to October!! looks like the earliest we can come visit will be christmas. at least i get to stay a long time!!! glad you are enjoying company!! love ya...

Devon said...

i think you all should come back here....we out number you here! *wink*

miss ya.